CoolDudez_'s profile picture

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Category: Life

Wish I had a girlfriend,,

I've always wanted a girlfriend (I'm a 16 year old teenager) but I've never had luck with girls, and school is ending soon makes my odds smaller and smaller to the point I'll probs never get one in my life , but whatevz, not like I need one but I've always wanted to know how someone feels during one, it's been an itch I haven't been able to scratch ykno?

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Doug's profile picture

I'll second that comment. Find a gym and get swole. When you look nice, you feel great. When you feel great, you attract people.
When you're not trying to find a girl, they tend to find you.

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I mean your right, but I'm not trying to get swole, I'm not trying to attract (or at least make it THAT obvious) sure getting skinnier might help but I'm not trying to look like those "bro do you even workout" type of guys.... Bleh, not my thing at all.

by CoolDudez_; ; Report

Mulch Lover

Mulch Lover's profile picture

All things in good time brah, ya just gotta go with the flow ya know ?

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I'll try...

Also , are you youkai?

by CoolDudez_; ; Report

Yokai? No, at least I don't think I'm a ghost ( ̄ω ̄;)
Unless that word has more than one meaning I'm unaware of lol

by Mulch Lover; ; Report

Oh no no no!! Not a ghost I mean, I just have a friend named that on another social media, sorry for the troubles

Wanna be friends tho? :-P

by CoolDudez_; ; Report


by Mulch Lover; ; Report