✮PitterAarav✮'s profile picture

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Category: Art and Photography

Hycn.web [1]

Heeeyyyy everyone!

This is a personal, highly ambitious project that I've had in my mind for some years now. I want to explore multiple creative aspects I'm interested in- Drawing, writing, animation (2D & 3D), and visual and graphical editing/designing- utilizing these characters and their world.

Many things will most likely change in the future. Still working out stuff I want and what makes sense. For now, I'll call this the beta era. When will the actual first era begin? Probably when I actually bother to use Blender and Adobe Animate + After Effects.

Hydrox - 22 years old, user of QuOnline for 2555 days. 

Represents the surface web. Calm but sensitive. Not having much hobbies, he often uses his pastime to work as a digital model. His favorite genres of music are hyperpop, DnB, and garage,

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Contra - 19 years old, user of QuOnline for 2190 days. 

The younger step-brother of Hydrox. Rather asocial, he likes to spend his time browsing the internet and playing MMOs. Represents the dark/deep web. Timid, yet easily angered. His favorite genres of music are screamo, numetal, and pop punk.

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Fake promo art for Hycn.web.

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What are they advertising? Most likely their headphones.

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" Both Hydrox and Contra protect Mother Ether, the source of their immortality. Madam Ether is an otherworldly entity built on creating the new age of technology. Her project, QuOnline, is meant to attain this goal. This project became a great success, continuing on for more than three decades. 

Jayden, Hydrox’s original name, lived with his parents and sister before she moved out. Wanting another child, they adopted Conan, a young disabled boy. Needing to focus on him more, Jayden became forgotten. Despite his younger brother’s adoration and admiration, Jayden frequently bullied and mistreated Conan in private. 

Hearing about QuOnline on television, Jayden found solace in the program. His aging parents depended on him for support, but Jayden was glued on QuOnline and refused to respond. Due to this, Conan was neglected. As inflation worsened, their parents quickly fell into the lower middle class category. Meanwhile, Jayden was completely unresponsive to the outside world.  

As QuOnline grew in popularity, Conan couldn’t avoid the virtual world that took his brother away. In a fit of anger, he stole his parent’s money to buy QuOnline to find his brother. However, he quickly became addicted and unable to control his own body in the outside world. 

Their parents soon caught on to their behavior, also hearing about QuOnline everywhere they went. Unsure of their sons’ condition, they considered them braindead. "

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Images drawn by my brother on NG. He usually makes music, but he also draws from time to time. Go give him some support! :]


They have a sister named Yamani, the main character of this story. I'll introduce her in a later post, as well as Mother Ether. I have a lot of plans for this story. I hope you enjoy it. (・ω・)b

See ya on the flip side...

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kazzxi's profile picture

Yo! This looks cool :]

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Thank you! :D

by ✮PitterAarav✮; ; Report