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Category: Blogging

june 21

work was good

writing on my phone and idk i felt better but now i’m sad again

i’ve been nothing but a good friend i don’t get why it’s so easy for people to abandon me

abandon is a dramatic word but that’s really how it feels because why am i being ignored and basically ghosted? why is this not the first time it’s happened to me and why is it always someone i care about? why do i care about people so quickly and deeply it makes me feel so pathetic when i get hurt eventually i just don’t get it like what’s wrong with me???? what is so unbearable and annoying and intolerable about me that people i care about and consider close friends end up hating me or not wanting to be friends i don’t get it seriously i don’t know what ive done wrong and like

regarding this time specifically, i know its not the end of the world and ill get over it like im not crying or anything over it but it just hurts dude like i have feelings at least say u don’t wanna talk cus the being ghosted is so much worse especially when the last message is me bumping my message where i said imy

im gonna nap im so tired of being upset

0 Kudos


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