ermmm... (copy of original bulletin)

iz it juzt mee, or iz going thru multiple hyprfix8tionz @ the zame time actually normal???. im mainly looking 4 a way  hyprfix8t on multiple thingz and nott feel liek an abzolute creep

(zome anzwrz would b nice !!!! :3)

1 Kudos


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XxZz0mb1t3xX's profile picture

dont worry!!! i do dis 2 lololz :3

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@ least im nott the only 1 !!!! thx 4 the reply btw <3 !!!!!!!!!!!!

by xX_Et3rnityFang!rl_Xx; ; Report


xX_Et3rnityFang!rl_Xx's profile picture

oof doez nobody hav their notificationz on???. i feel so fvcking dead rn. X'3

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