Tips on writing essays!

I recently took a test, and I got a low score sadly, but I have till july to retake it. 
It was an argument ahh question, I did do some studying but I still was very confused, and didn't know what to write!!

Any tips and stuff I should study for writing an argumentive essay, or essays in general?

-kaz. :]

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frankie 𖤐

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(for context im in yr 12 n usually get like As in english)

in general, essays follow the same sort of formatting that i'm sure you're already aware of (intro, body paragraph(s), conclusion). analytical paragraphs follow a TEXT/PEEL format (google TEXT paragraph format/PEEL paragraph format for more). each paragraph has a different idea that supports your main argument (which is your thesis, which you'd state in ur introductory paragraph).

certain types of written responses have certain types of lingo (or 'jargon') exclusive to it. for example, in an analytical essay about a film you'd talk about camera angles, non-diagetic and diagetic sounds, and dialogue. in argumentative essays, it's the same sorta stuff.

using stuff like rhetorical questions and inclusive pronouns (i.e., addressing the audience/reader) can engage them and make them more interested while statistics, facts, or expert opinions can help solidify your argument and provide credibility/believability.

honestly, it doesn't matter *what* your argument is but *how* you can argue it. having a compelling argument is more important than whether or not you actually believe in it (although writing from a genuine perspective can add authenticity to your writing).

imo when ur studying for your essay, focus on memorising different types of persuasive techniques so you can apply them in your writing. practicing your body paragraphs are the best things you can do to help yourself tbh. if you've got a weak intro/outro, it doesn't matter too much as your body paragraphs will always be the bulk of your essay.

lmk if there's anything else i can do to help!! good luck!!!

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thx for ur response <3

by kazzxi; ; Report