art block is kicking my ass and im tired of it }}.(

urgghh I HATE making art fight references and I HATE drawing!!!!!!!!!!! drawing SUCKS and I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AGHHHH AGHSGFVBDNM<DFMJFHGEVBNMKIJUHYGTFCVBNHJKL:><MNBHGFDSXCVGHJK<M I hate art and I hate YOU.

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Dart Highwind

Dart Highwind's profile picture

I recommend looking for something completely outside of your comfort zone and trying to integrate it into your current style.
I find that block can often be defeated by experiencing something new, as block to me comes in the form of the same, comfortable thing over and over.

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thank Of the You! 💚💚

by !! — kasper/dollie ;; ; Report