my blinkers aren't working

i genuinely thought i put everything right, but apparently not??

they show up as picture icons :( 

i even deleted my (not actually mine) layout for it :(((((

i have two that do work, but that's cause i used a proper website for it.

i would like some advice on how to fix this 

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Alpha's profile picture

What exactly is the code that you have in your about me for the blinkies? I'm thinking maybe there's something in the links that you should have taken out. But I'm no html expert so this is just a theory. The one linked from tumblr looks like it needs to be changed completely, since the address for it doesn't seem to lead to anything at all.

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I didn’t know what I was doing so for all the non-pre-made ones I copied what someone else did which was the but it did what it was supposed to, the actual photo didn’t show up so now I’m thinking there’s something wrong with the photo links

by Ghostiee!; ; Report

Dang, the code I used didn’t show up… it was the

by Ghostiee!; ; Report

It just doesn’t want to show up-
one last shot
img src

by Ghostiee!; ; Report

Dart Highwind

Dart Highwind's profile picture

Need to replace the blinker fluid ;DDDDDDD

Joking aside, sometimes GIFs won't loop correctly after adding them to your page the first time.
Just go back to your profile every now and again and they should eventually loop correctly.

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