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Category: Blogging

DNI (pls read before frq!!)


transphobia/homophobia/racism/antisemitism/ableism obviously not allowed on my profile 

proshippers. antis that get into a lot of discourse pls dni too i dont wanna be involved. 

harry potter fans, terfs, radfems, femcel people, transphobes in general 

zionists!! if u dont support Palestine fuck off. i will block on sight

nazis/antisemites ill block on sight too

people who use the R slur. Even if you can reclaim it it js makes me uncomfortable 

tcc people? idk much about the drama but like. if you're one of those im not interested in talking to you 

if you're really into cringe culture and like participate in it a lot. ummm go away

furry haters. i am a furry hi

"schizoposters"/people who post horror stuff or scary images without warnings. BYE!!! 

people under 14..... sorry but if you're like 12 i have no idea how to interact with you byebye

If you're rude to/weird about people who make NSFW content for no reason. literally get out what are you doing

if you're not a feminist literally just reevaluate your life far away from me

ana/ed blogs.... shivers 

~ i think that's everything ill add more if i feel the need :3

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