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Category: Blogging

june 20


i don't have much to say though!! i think i'm becoming friends with the guy who sits next to me during training right now. also i think i'm catching on really quickly to the work we're doing so it's all a breeze so far. i'm feeling better today, i think time heals all wounds haha but who knows, it's still daylight out so maybe by the time its dark and quiet ill wanna kms gdjhfkdfg

for some reason today i wanted to buy a pen or a vape sooo bad but i have to remember not to!!!! i mean i definitely dont want a vape but for some reason when im bored i just wanna hit a pen idk! having a little penjamin hit and enjoying my day sounds nice. but i'm gonna buy one when i finally move in to the apartment so its like a nice little thing i can have on special occasions lol

also today i was walking to the hospital for lunch and i was talking to my dad, and my dad was saying not to do work from home when it's offered to me after my three month probationary period because i’ll “lose my weight loss progress sitting around at home on a laptop in bed” … buddy i work a desk job i’m not exactly hiking between patients? and also i don't even work out in the first place so what difference is it gonna make lol. i plan on getting up and getting dressed for the day at my desk, and it's like 45 minutes to work and 45 minutes back five days a week so i'm wasting a ton on gas right now? it irritated me

also i've worked there less than a week... let's relax!

regarding the thing with the gc and being ignored aahhh whatever my chest is heavy when i remember but what can i do... :( nothing

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