Why testing hard sometimes - advice for staying focused

Sometimes when I test, I would look at the test before either falling asleep or daydreaming about random bs.

Today I had an essay test to do, and I just started to rant in my head about lore for my oc's. It took me 4 to 6 hours to actually start writing something decent and finish it. 

Any advice to stay focused on testing? It's quite a problem sometimes.

Buh bye :3

(btw I got a low score womp womp for me)

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wyll's profile picture

hmm one thing that i heard of (but haven't tried yet) is something where you "cycle" through thoughts if that makes sense..
so basically the gist of it is for a certain amount of time you focus on the thing you need to do, but aren't interested in, and then focus about the things you are interested for a fixed amount of time, then go back and forth between the two until you have whatever you needed to be done, done. the main goal is to make sure you can focus on one thing without completely diminishing the drive to focus on another.
like i said, i haven't tried this, so take what i say with a grain of salt. i wish you luck on any future tests

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thx, probably gonna try this with something else before my tests. Thx for the tip anyway :]

by kazzxi; ; Report

Dart Highwind

Dart Highwind's profile picture

If you're allowed, earbuds with some pumpin electronic music. No lyrics.

That always helped me focus by creating just enough noise to keep distracting thoughts out.

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Thx for the advice :)
but sadly I can't listen to music when testing.

by kazzxi; ; Report