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Category: Music

I forgot how good RTL was.

Metallica's Ride the Lightning was an album I hadn't heard in LITERAL YEARS before now... but damn is it great. From the fast-paced energy of tracks like Fight Fire With Fire, to the blazing solos of both the title track and Fade to Black, to the utter showcase of soloing that is Trapped Under Ice... this album has bangers. But that doesn't mean that energy's ALL it has. It's also got lyrics, too. It deals with death, with varying degrees of quality, my favorite being the aforementioned Fade to Black, with it's oddly mature depictions of suicide, along with that GODLY SOLO AT THE END OMFG IT GOES SO UNNECESSARILY HARD-

In short, Ride the Lightning is very good, and I recommend it. 9/10. Death greets me warm (not really), so I will just say goodbye (for now).

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Paranoid Android

Paranoid Android's profile picture

oh yea btw sorry for disappearing for the last, like, half a year. in my defense, i got into guitar and stuff and im on summer break now

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