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Category: Books and Stories

Oc dump

Okay, I've never done a blog before so this might suck entirely. So I'm just gonna talk about my 2 oc's that I'm currently writing about!

Summary; Prince = Aurelian Viorel, Pirate = Nicolae Alvida
Aurelian is a 19 year old cisgender male who is a human. He has mid length curly blonde hair, green emerald eyes, slightly freckled all over, 6ft tall, V body shape with tight muscles. He has a gauged ears roughly around a 00g, and his nips are also pierced. He's permitted to only one tattoo, a small sun on the back of the neck all the males in his family have this tattoo. His skills persist in archery and fencing, he is quite talented in both. Not a lot of people are aware of this but he really enjoys sewing and making dresses for his little sister to wear. He is very sweet and caring overall just a golden retriever, he is always serious when it comes to his duties as the next king. 

Nicolae is a 21 year old cisgender male who is a human. He has long hair messy black hair, usually switches from locs and straight hair in a ponytail (only if Aurelian does 80% of the work.). He has brown eyes, is completely blind in his left eye with a small scar, 6'3, muscular box body shape with scars covering him. He has a septum, vertical labret, both eyebrows, tongue, and his ears, he refuses to wear anything but gold jewelry. He's very skilled in sailing, drawing, sewing, and cooking, his father is the captain so he has spent his entire life on the ship and wants nothing more then to become captain. He's typically cold, rude, sly, and selfish, he was never fond of going out of his way to be a good person. It is safe to say he is the complete opposite around Aurelian, all Aurelian would have to do is say please and Nicolae would be on his hands and knees.. quite literally. 

If you guys are interested in more about them and their world let me know, I'd love to share more about them! If you have any suggestions for them or my writing feel free to tell me, I'm a high school drop out so my grammar is definitely struggling, and I'm wanting to turn their story into a book so if there's anything to make them more appealing let me know!

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