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Category: Writing and Poetry

🌌 Some principles in Main character experience building / how my world works (June 19, 2024)

--- actual story development principles ---

Prerequisite Principle: 

in order to have a main character that gives something, be it advice, empathy, physical or intangible items etc, ensure that they must have received the said property in their own lives to have given it. They are not equipped with that knowledge themselves.

Character First Principle: 

the lore starts with the character initially and then turns into a feedback loop to readjust. Too much worldbuilding can deter you from the story and the characters, use the characters’ goals to build on the world and then use the world to leverage their goals.

Accept the Parsimonious Conclusion Principle AKA Occam's Razor: 

there is always an easier way to get to the answer. When you think too advanced, the project becomes unfeasible and you go through multiple thinking patterns, analysis paralysis, and thought loops that becomes overwhelming. Occam's razor helps to simplify the process and forces you to choose the easier solution so that the conclusion is digestible.

Internal Consistency Principle: 

relating to Occam's Razor, you can make things easier by making sure the logic fits. The prerequisite principle falls under here.

IF this happens, THEN this happens. Just make sure that the logic flows.

  • simple

  • clear

  • clever

The world can hone on a small aspect but there's a REASON, it doesn't happen just as is. Things don't feel out of place.
- it is a mechanical and systematic way but it can be used to synthesize the story to be feasible

Just Dive In and Trust Your Characters Principle: 

I can theorize about my characters and their stories all I want but until I mentalize them by just exploring them, I wont know. I can make them aware of the plot as a narrator and bounce ideas through these characters and see if they agree or disagree with the idea. 

Legit I had an annoyed Parks walk away from the scene because I felt that she wouldn't actually like the idea I proposed to her.

3 Kudos


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