This is just me ranting about three movies that I truly love and need more people to talk about these movies or at least consider watching them for entertainment there so fun so don’t take them to seriously
Strange theme going on with these movies tho
This movie is so funny it needs to be more talked about I love the valley girl stuff going on and the music this movie made me fall in love with young Jeff goldblum the weird dream she has was so fun to watch and a little freaky Jim Carrey being Wilde as always
Cone heads is such a cute and fun movie and it’s great for people who like aliens I never understood how no one knew they were alien especially with all the weird things they did the song stayed stuck in my head so long after watching it the daughter was my favorite character she was so cute
alien are freaky guys
Monkey king movies are amazing or garbage but I like most of them he constantly going against heaven to do his own thing always resulting in him being punished or trapped he really cool when he fights multiplying himself using his staff etc he just really cool to watch sometimes they make him look freaky but it ok the monk got on my nerves in some movies but that’s just me
Such a sweet movie of friends coming together and telling stories of there childhood and how it affected them it can be a bit dramatic at times but it still a great watch especially when the fight happened he deserved it
Tiny bit sad
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I never knew young jeff goldblum looked like THAT
Man’s good looking🙏
by nani; ; Report