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Category: Friends

How do you talk???? :[

I don't why but I panic when I socialize more like, what do I say next and try to say something interesting to keep talking. Otherwise it's mainly filled with silence. Sometimes I feel I'm quite generic when talking or I talk to much about myself. 

Any thoughts or advice would be nice. :]

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ask how their day/week is, then start from there. if they're giving you dry responses, try and use a story to fill the gaps, give them something to ask about, e.g. :

you: So, do anything fun this week?
them: I went to the park yesterday
you: oh really? that's funny actually, i remember when i was a kid at the park and... (ensuing story)

ofc, this only works if they actually give you something to work with. them saying 'nothing really' isn't gonna gage much conversation :| if they're being dry, they might either just be shy/awkward or not worth your time, imo

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I learned something new today :D
Thx for the advice

by kazzxi; ; Report