tips for making a coherent comic

i wanna write a comic and all ive been doing is just random comics and gluing them together with a timeline. its messy and i really wanna maybe write a word document or smt to make s coherent story. it would make translating into a comic way easier but i dont know how to write a coherent story longer than maybe 200words. i would aslo apreciate tips on how to avoid wrtting mary sue or gary stue characters, i have the first base covered wich is no self-inserts but my main cahracter is always on the edege of being a gary stue.

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⛧Max iz Dead⛧

⛧Max iz Dead⛧'s profile picture

think about what some personal flaws the main character could have, like insecurities, negative character traits (like anger issues, being too shy, being unsure of who they are (that's not really negative per say but wtvr), acting juvenile, self-obsessed and other stuff like that) things they do that annoy other people, or problems that they face with their social connections or familial connections

and also for the issue writing longer stories, maybe you could try breaking up your idea for the whole story into smaller sections with their own smaller arcs that are easier to manage and all lead to the main story you have planned

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just re read your post after commenting and your already doing what i suggested in the second part

by ⛧Max iz Dead⛧; ; Report


Mel's profile picture

before starting you should have atleast the beginning, the end and the character arcs figured out and planned. as to how not to make your ocs mary sues just try to make them flawed in general, add side effects to their powers, have others that dislike them, if people do respect and like them a lot have it be earned, if they are op show them working hard to get to that point.

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