Eve's profile picture

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Category: Life

First impression on the website

Halloo, i am Eve! theres not gonna be anything interesting in this blog, just my first impressions on this site! Read, dont read, do what you want!

eves whimsical rant on...                 


first impressions pretty good, lots of friend requests at first wich ive noticed is a common occurance to all new users. Im guessing thats because of a) bots or b) the lil thing where it shows new people.

i had gone trough a few profiles and DAMN yall like decorating your profiles (or whatever you call them). It was pretty cool! Reminded me of uhhh early 2000s was it? The backgrounds, animated stickers, spelling thats even worse then my cousins, IT WAS AMAZING!! Just clicking on one profile, then on another, seeing different types of people, i liked it! This website is an awesome way to self express! Not to mention there are also templates incase you dont know the first thing about coding (? or would it be specific to html/css?), wich is nice! lots to pick from! I frankly believe i myself will just hop on, maybe add a few things to my profile, decour yknow yknow and maybe write a blog about a new hyperfixation of mine! And, well, obiously, scroll trough the mass amount of profiles.

Now, everything WAS fine and dandy till i opened up the blogs AND OH BOY ARE THE PEOPLE TALKING! Bunch of problems, not enough happy people to say the least :( . BUT THAT SHALL BE FIXED! FOR I, EVE, AM gonna be writing blogs about some stuff thats a tad happier. Will this probably take a lil attention away from the imprtant mess thats going on on this website? Sadly so. BUT i wanna have fun and write what i write, knowing NOONES GONNA READ IT (probably). Besides, anger, sadness and voilence sells. Thats what people normaly read so chances of people reading my rants are unlikely! YAAAY FOR PEOPLE ACCIDENTALY MAKING THEMSELVES UPSET VIA READING SAD STUFF! Uhhh talking about people being upset, please dont take ANYTHING i write here to heart, i mean no offence (probably) and am just trying to have a blast doing what i want. 

WHOAA THAT SURE WAS A SPEECH! THE GRAMMAR PEOPLE ARE CRYING! no im not gonnaa fix it. SO this website has its ups and downs, IN MY HUMBLOE OPINION- more ups then downs. Frankly, im not suprised, websites like these are rarely perfect, but thats what makes them so fun and special. UHHH take it easy! get a nice hot drink (like tea or coffe or whatever) (yes i know its summer) and have fun scrolling! ...I would say go outside, breathe fresh air, touch grass yada yada, but i dont do that myself and dont wanna be a hypocrite.

sobbing i dont know what category to put. uhhh this is probably life stuff right? kinda like a mix between life and spacehey....

i know! spacehey IS life so its probably fine (im joking im joking im joking still putting it in life tho)

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