Poem #2

To you who loves the world and all that is in it

To you who cries for it, bleeds for it and as all things must die for it

You too are part of the world you love so dearly yet

You do not spare any for yourself 

To be born is a price to pay

No one can survive in this world alone

You give to

you take from

Yet the world doesn’t not work in such simple terms 

It is impossible to return to nothingness 

Something will always be left 

And trying to fulfill that will only lead to your death

To give without reward 

To love with no return

To live a peaceful life?

To live without without harm?

There is no such thing

But why?

Is it that at the end of all this you think one day you’ll finally be rewarded?

Is it so that your unending guilt that devours you whole will be satisfied?

Whatever the case the chains that bind you are of your own creation

When you realize that the world will open before you 

Now spread your wings and fly

2 Kudos


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