Hey SpaceSleepers (11): Forgive me for I have Consumed.

   I found a store that sells kewpies
and other stuff today (Fujiya
Pekopoko, Monchihichi, etc). I
find that I feel particularly
guilty whenever I purchase things
for myself. That I should just
feel bad for my consumption of
these unnecessary goods like
Kewpies, even though they bring me
a lot of joy. I mean, obviously I
wouldn't collect something that does
not particularly make me happy but
it doesn't mean that the purchase
brings me no guilt. I know in my
heart that this is a sort of frivolous
 spending that I should have some sort
of shame for engaging in but I spend
so much time thinking about having these
little trinkets. I think its okay to
have the shame, to bask in it for a
little, but I should consider why I
have chosen these things to bring me joy.
I chose them because they were less
likely to collect an amount of dust that
would prevent me from keeping them,
I chose them because they were easy to
carry and easy to hang on the side
of my bag so I could look down and know
that I had a little something to
brighten not just my bag but my day.
It is okay to feel guilt but that
doesn't mean its bad to have things
to make me personally feel happy.

— Mars  ᓚᘏᗢ

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