Sam's profile picture

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Category: Games

Myspace about me survey:D



name:: Sam

nickname:: Sammy

how old are you:: 17

zodiac sign:: Gemini

current location:: Tennessee:) 

eye color:: Blue

hair color:: Uhhh a blueish silver 

hair type:: Curl but very damaged

hieght:: 5'6

your heritage:: I'm half Cherokee:D

what's your middle name:: Faye! 

shoe's you wore today:: None I've went barefoot all day:3

your weakness:: My severe anxiety

your fear:: Dying alone

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: Yes! 

do you want to:: I'd love to again

goal you would like to achieve this year:: Heal from my breakup:) 

first thought when you wake up:: Wanting to go back for sleep-

best physical feature:: EYES!!! 

who is your bestest freind:: I don't know:/

when is your bedtime:: 10pm-3am...

your most cherished memory:: My first kiss

pepsi or coke:: Coke

mc dondalds or burgerking:: Neither

singel or group dates:: Single

what is the last song you sang:: Sippy cup 

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: HELL YEAH

what is your biggest pet peeve:: Lying. 

do you drink:: Sometimes

ever been drunk:: Ya😭

do you smoke:: Sometimes

do you "SMOKE":: Yes but not rn bc shits expensive... 

do you sing:: Hell no

what color underwear do you have on:: Green

do you want to go to college:: No

have you ever been in love:: Yes

do you wnat to get married:: No

do you believe in yourself:: No

do you believe inothers:: Sometimes

do you like thunderstorms:: No it reminds me of guns:(

do you play an instrument:: Nope but I used to play the French horn

what do you want to be when you grow up:: Idk but I used to wanna be a marine biologist

what country would you like to visit:: Japan

how many CD's do you own:: 20+

how many DVD's do you own:: Probably more than 100

how many tattoo's do you have:: 3

how many piercings do yo have:: 4! Snake bites and my ears (counting individual holes in ma body) 

how many things in the past do you regeret:: So many that I don't want to tally rn


shoes:: Vans tennis shoes

radio station:: 94.7

drink:: Crystal lights citrus flavor

car:: I don't like cars

place:: No where anymore

song:: Counting stars by one republic

movie:: Saw franchise

moment:: N/a

color:: Blue

meal:: Uhhh idk


favorite eye color:: Brown :) 

favorite hair color:: Any!!! 

short or long hair:: Long... 

height:: Girls I prefer shorter than me but guys 5'8+

body type:: I prefer more chubby:) I don't like skin and bones or very show able muscles

does ethnicity matter:: Hell no

piercings:: Yes!! 

tattoos:: Yes!! 


do you think you are attractive:: Not really

are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: No

would you like to be someones fantasy:: Yes

hunter or hunted:: Hunted

do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: Closed

a little or a lot of tongue:: Little

older or younger:: Older

lights on/lights off or candle light:: Candle light

do you like to cuddle after:: Yes!!! 

do you like to cuddle in general:: Hell yeah


what is todays date:: June 18th, 2024

what time is it:: 10:07 pm

who are you thinking of:: My ex but I really shouldn't be

what are you listening to:: Copy cat

do you love someone:: Yes

do you know where your mechanical bull is:: Sadly no

does someone love you:: I'm not sure

is it raining:: No

how many myspace friends do you have:: 11

are you happy:: Kinda? 


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