Do Not Interact LIST

I've seen a lot of these and figured I should make one, given the theme of my profile

1. Minors under 16 PLEASE do not add me. 5 years is kinda the hard limit of how comfortable I am making friends with anyone younger than me, as I am an adult of 21.

2. Homophobes, Transphobes, ANY kind of 'phobe' really. I am not a hateful person, and would like to keep my profile hate free please!

3. ANY KIND OF "PHILE". Pedophile, Zoophile, I don't give two shits- if its a phile i WILL report your ass.

4. If you are sensitive to themes of blood, cannibalism, or anything related, PLEASE put yourself first and not add/interact! While I don't post photos of cannibalism i DO enjoy poetry surrounding the theme and plan to share what i find in my blogs!

5. If you support what Israel is doing please just- not interact with me.

6. That being said, if you are racist towards jewish people please also just not speak to me. Again, i am not a hateful person and I will not tolerate such things on my profile! 

Thats pretty much it! Even if none of these apply and I find that i simply don't like something you say/do i WILL block or remove you. Anyone else, feel free to add me! I'm very shy so the likelihood of me messaging first is slim.

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