The rise of the the one of the Main and most interestingVillians.

not these are from one of the early revisions before my editor got at it, so a lo tof the obvious flaws have been fixed in the published version. so I am looking for context and content improvmeents the grammer and speelling errors have corrected.

Episodes28-37:Ophesian Prophecies and Fairy tails come true.  


Ophesian Shadows rise (1935). 

“The last princess of Ophesian, Shall survive against the greatest of all winds and storms. Till the last days.” Opha Religious Text.


128,000 Light years away in the Ophesian group, Ophesian, The Planet is divided by 5 Principalities controlled by a caste system of 5 houses the first house The Religious Sect, The Second House Government and Educators, The Third house Military, The fourth house Business and Enterprise, and the fifth house laborers and workers. Sector 5 Government Provisional Housing Quarter on the largest island part of the Second House Principal. The island has been expanded by adding a man-made landmass as well as several underwater bases and cities that few people know about unless they are from there. 

A little dark-complected girl with soft curly hair and dark eyes plays in the yard with her father wearing an Ophesian uniform. Her father chases around the yard, then picks her up and swings an 8-year-old Cleolatte above his head as Cleo shouts and giggles. She looks into her dad's blue eyes and smiles and laughs, Till her dad gets too dizzy and they both fall to the ground laughing and giggling then Cleolatte picks up his hat and puts her over-sized hat on her own tiny head then jumps on her fathers pretending to tackle him while he’s down and tries to tickle him, so he tickles her back. She giggles and screams “That’s not fair, You are bigger than me.” Her dad sits up sets Cleo on his lap. “Remember this my precious, it does not matter how small you are as long as you can be on top. You had me on the ground that means you were winning, Never ever let your size get you ever Understand.: Cleo looks up at her father kisses him on the cheek “Yes Daddy, I won’t forget.” “So what do you want for your born day?” Cleo looks up at her dad's green eyes and says “Lots of hugs and kisses.” “Sure you don’t want anything like a dolly or music box or something?” “Well, I thought I would get more presents if I said something cute.” “You are way too smart for a 7-year-old.” “Love you sippy(dad). Now, let’s play some more.” “But Daddy’s tired.” “Just a little more please please please please” “Okay, Okay. Okay, You win.” Mom comes running out to tell them it is time for dinner.

Cleo’s father looks at his wife and says “Yes saved by the dinner bell.”

Cleo’s father picks up Cleo swings her around gives her a piggyback ride and jumps into the house.

Mom looks at those too “Men are just oversized children aren’t they?”

“Yes, we are,” He says as he kisses his wife on the cheeks. Cleo’s father sets her down in her chair and her mom and dad both take their seats as they dig into dinner.

“You know honey tonight we got to talk about that thing.”

“My born day.”

“Yes, honey your born day.” Cleo’s father looks up at his wife and they both understand they are lying at each other to protect Cleo from the truth.

Mother looks at Cleo and smiles widely “So what you want on your born day ?”

“All my friends to come over and play, and a dolly a princess dolly.”

“Really that’s all?” Mom looks trying to probe her for some more details.

Mom looks curious “You are such an easy child to please your si....” She is interrupted by Cleo’s father and gives her the sign to Hush with his eyes and she agrees and changes the subject.

“You like your food baby.”

“yes I do mommy I would love some more.”

“No problem honey, My starry-eyed little one.”

“Baby after dinner get ready for bed and we will be up soon.”

Cleo looks like she's about to whine. “DO I HAVE TOO....” she drags out the phrase as slow as she can.

Corla looks at her smiles then says “yes, you do.”

“Okay Sapi.”

“Remember I get to go to earth next week I should be back in about three weeks while I am there I can go shopping.”

“Then also get me a pretty dress.:”

Channa looks at Corla, “Will you stop spoiling her.”

“I can not resist those dimples.”

Cleo’s Mom laughs,”By me a pretty dress also.”

“Honey, Now I know where she gets it from.” Corla says to his wife.

Later that night Cleo's Mom and father are talking quietly in the bedroom, “You know honey we got to get to go ahead with that plan.”

Cleo’s Dad looks down, “I know, I got everything planned, I just can not discuss it outright you know ears.” He turns to her and looks at his wife disguising what they are talking about with Cleo’s born day. ‘you know it will make her so happy.”

His wife lays down, “ I will be so happy when she finds out.”

“So will I honey and we can all relax and all be together, just takes a lot of careful planning.”

“I know honey, goodnight.”

From the next room they can hear BOING BOING BOING, “CLEO are you jumping on your bed?”

From the other room, they hear two more bounces than a thump, “No Sapi, No ,Mkyumi. I being good.”

“She’s so happy.”

Corla says “ and I intend her to always be that way.”

Channa replies “If the goddess allows.”

“It is not up to her.” he says sarcastically.


Cleo’s Happy Days. 

“In the last days the people will turn against each other, blame each other and all will end.In a world with out tears, tears will be shed again.” Book of Loss Ophesian religious Text.


Cleo is out in the yard playing with her friends, playing tag in the yard. Cleo’s it right now and she is fast for her size, she is a little smaller than the rest of her kids her age, but that doesn’t stop her she may have to move her tiny legs faster than the other kids but she can catch up to the tall ones pretty fast, and there she jumps right on Gerala and screams “TAG YOUR IT” then Cleo runs around with the other kids. When Sapi and Mkyumi come out with some refreshments and candy for the kids. And the kids all stop what they are doing to quench their thirst.

The kids grab their drinks and return to what they are doing, Cleo scans the yard and see the Ophesian guards surrounding the property as always, which state officials always have a few extra lookouts, But Cleo being so young not knowing why they are there or why they don’t talk. Cleo is slowly becoming more aware of the environment as she gets older. But not understanding why things are the way they are. So Cleo being a little kid forgets what she’s thinking and goes to play some more with her friends.

Her dad scans the horizon, and talks to his wife “Well everything is set when I get back all is good for her born day.”

“You better be right, you know what will happen if we don’t”

“I know, I know.”

Corla shouts to all the kids “WE GOING SWIMMINGm EVERYONE grab their stuff we going to the POOL! All the kids scream and shout. As they run to get their stuff to hop on the hovering shuttle that is waiting out front.

Cleo and her friends bounce on board past the Ophesian bodyguards wearing their helmets. As they grab their seats screaming and yelling being kids Dad and mom follow on board. As the doors shut the shuttle drives off and one of the Ophesian bodyguard cars begins to follow behind.

A few moments later the kids file out of the vehicle and head into the swimming pool area.

Cleo’s dad screams “NO RUNNING CAREFUL”, “We will Sapi.” Cleo shouts back. As she slows down but walks really fast.

“Cleo has all that energy doesn’t she dear.”

Cleo’s Dad put his arm around his wife to reply.”She sure does, just like you know who.”

“Yes, I really miss...” Mom stops in mid-sentence as she sees one of the guards looking her way.

“You got everything set aye for her born day celebration?”

“yes, we do. I got to go to earth for a secret mission but when I am there I will get some gifts. For everyone. And I should be back in time for her born day.

“you know she loves you, she is so much like you, sometimes I think she loves you more than me.”

“Honey you know that’s not true. She loves you as much as she loves me. I play with her you make her ouchies go away, she needs both of us.”

“I know, I just need to know a little more often you know.”

“We both do, but look at here, look at her tiny smile.”

They both look at here and then look at each other and frown, but then smile again. And hold each other closer. As they keep an eye on the children.

Cleo splashes around with one of her friends tossing each other a giant ball.

Cleo’s parents lean on each other and scan the room keeping an eye on the children and the bodyguards. They both communicate with each other with their eyes. But not saying anything.

Cleo’s parents lean on each other, in the distance they can hear another explosion from a terrorists attack, perhaps the rebels, but they ignore it since it is so far off in the distance, Cleo looks at her Sapi and Mkuym and sees their smiles, and continues to play with her friends, even as military sirens go off and, they can hear a few vehicles passing in the background headed towards the origin of the sound.

Captain Corla Corla Hugs his wife Channa tightly and strokes her ebony woolen hair. As they watch the children play blissfully ignorant of the governmental situation taking place all around them. They both look up at the sky and the purplish oval-shaped sun. as the two smaller moons pass in front of it. They listen to the sound of the ocean and its life forms interrupted by a ship long sounding horn.

“She is so cute and adorable isn’t she?” Says Corla.

“Yes she is. And whats amazing is shes almost exactly like you in every way,” Replies Channa.

“All but, looks she got your looks.” Says Corla.

“She is a perfect mix of both of us, may the goddess bless her for the rest of her life.” Replies Channa.

“I think you may be relying, too much on that deformed octopus.” Corla says under his breath.

“When t we have such little to look forward to all I can do is look up and into the deep for answers.” Replies Channa.

“As long as it makes you feel better, I am for it.” Corla Says

She looks up at him into his eyes “It really, really does.” 

He looks at his watch, “Okay Kids, 30 more minutes and time to get out.”

All the kids sigh but continue playing, some get out early and start drying off others try to spend more time in the water. But the pool gets quieter and quieter as time goes on. And the transport pulls up in front of the gate, and the kids are less hyper than they have been all day.

“I think we wore them out dear.” says Corla Corla.

“Yes we did.”

Cleo is in between her parents one grabbing each of her hands as she skips her way onto the transport to go home.

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A new Suzerain has been chosen, after being without an official one for many years. The new Suzerain is introduced with parades and pageantry on every planet in the Ophesian group. Her picture is placed over the old Suzerains billboards flags and murals. Firework shows on all the planets.
All the major news outlets are reporting on the Coronation of Suzerain Trono-Apha of The Third house Sector seven.
The months pass, Cleo is having the best time of her life, She has never had so much fun or so much attention.
The rotating mechanical television is mounted just outside the Arkonox De Governox right in the capital city square, An image of the new Suzerains image comes on with Ophesian Anthems of all five houses. A news anchor or propagandists as the rebels refer to them, just gets paid to repeat whatever the state says, without even thinking about it. Just Parrots really. If the state told them, propagandists, to claim that Ophesian's was a planet shaped like a cube, the next day all the astronomy books would claim they live on a cube. After a few minutes of logos and propagandists news. The new Suzerain finally appears on the device.
“Hello Ophesian’s, and Members of the Ophesian groups, From today on we will have a new era of Ophesian Dominance in the universe, Our empire will be the jewel of the all the solar systems known and unknown.”
Corla sitting at home going through some intelligence reports block out the mandatory ‘Emergency Broadcast’ as if a new Suzerain bloviating about herself and Ophesian superiority is an emergency of any level.
“So you met the new boss yet?” Asks Channa.
“No, I am not in any hurry too.”
“Nothing will change, Nothing will improve, Nothing will get worse, the only difference will be a different pretty face to present to the world, and the universe.”
“You may be right.”
“Yes, I will have the same jobs and the same hours. Same frustrations, and we will Still be Ophesian.”
“When do you get the meet her?”
“When she sends me the invitation to her self-congratulation ego trip. Maybe in the next two or three days, But I prefer not to be able to attend.”
“Your the most anti-bureaucrat, bureaucrat I have ever met.”
“Yes, I am. I really am.” Corla says as he returns to his paperwork.
Cleo comes running in the room supercharged and giggling like crazy.
“Can I help Sapi?” she says playfully?
“You want to do paperwork?”
“I want to do what you do Sapi.” She says.
“Be careful what you wish for, there is a pretty good chance you will be doing exactly what I do.”
“Yes. I do.” Cleo says as she pretends to write on the paperwork he threw out on the floor.

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Ophesian ‘Hemite’ Mission (1937).
“When faced with a spitting Eel spit first.” Ophesian Saying.

Captain Latte is in the lead formation of a small Ophesian unit. Flying aging but very efficient death eel, “Captain Esha Nipinpin, this is Alpha Latte can you read me.” Captain Latte says into his helmet.
“Mukymn, Nymi.” which in Ophesian means Yes, Ready. Followed by the third ship trailing at the rear, Captain Shashi also repeats the same comment.
“Okay boys, Spread out I know those forsaken Hemite’s are out here somewhere. I can Feel them. Okay Spread out formation three two on my word.” Says Alpha Captain Latte.
“Tankiysu. “, Says Two and Three in a row.
The metallic flat-looking rockets, Flare-up as they split off into different directions forming a long diagonal formation, spaced much farther apart.
“Incoming Look up they coming straight down at Us Captain Latte.”
“See them order 27 now.”
The eels reform back together and spiral each other before splitting apart again, and coming in at the same time at the enemy ship that has been identified. Captain Latte fires his machine guns first hitting the enemy rocket a few times with well-placed bullet rounds but not doing enough damage to slow the enemy down. Lattes Second command ship gets in a little closer and sends a volley of glowing bullets into the enemy ship doing a lot more damage and causing one of the engines to flare up and out. But Alpha two takes some damage from the counter-fire from the very skilled, Hemite pilot. The last Ophesian eel picks up as much speed as it can as it is firing its round of shells towards the Hemite ship, Causing even more damage but the Hemite ship still is fighting for its life and does an amazing maneuver to land behind Captain Latte’s Ship.
Latte looks at his radar vex and ship indicators, “I am very impressed son.” Says Captain latte as calmly as possible. The Hemite ship starts chasing the captain. Latte clicks some switches pulls some levers and starts increasing speed while doing his best to dodge some of the incoming fire. Captain latte orders his unit with a single number, “19”. Captain Lattes' team knows exactly what he means and does not respond.
The other two eels head in a certain direction as fast as they can leaving the captain behind.
“I got a family to get back too, I am tired of playing your silly games, let’s play mine.”
Captain increases the speed of the eel, and acts like the ship is more damaged than it is. “Let’s drop a little blood in the water, and see if we are biting today.” Captain Latte says under his breath but out loud as he flips a lever, allowing some chemical to leak out of the ship.
“Yes, it does look like you are hungry.” Captain latte says as he continues with his wounded erratic flight path.
“Just a little bit more, Here Fishy, Here Fishy. That’s it I got you.” Just at that moment, Captain Latte maxes out the eels speed and dives very quickly straight down, the Hemite ship not paying any attention, exposes the widest side of his ship to the two Ophesian eels who have been waiting for this moment and as both ships dive in front of them the two eels, fire a massive rainstorm of machine-gun bullets into the enemy ship, shredding it too smaller pieces of junk and metal the wreckage drifting into space like confetti in the wind.
Captain and his crew begin landing Procedures at the landing site right next to the Arkonox De Governox. A higher ranking officer meets the unit on the tarmac as they disembark.”
“Good work.” The Ranking officer gives them a salute, specialized to each house. The ranking officer taps his chest twice with two fingers extended indicating that he is from the second Province and second house. And each of the team members does the same, but with different fingers indicating what house, and location they come from.
“The Suzzares requests your presence for debriefing.”
“Yes Sir.” Says Captain Latte.
The captain and the crew arrive on the main floor of the Arkonox De Governox they exit the elevator and walk down the hall that is lined with Ophesian secret police and regular Ophesian guards, only being able to tell the difference between them by the crest they are wearing on their helmets.
The Suzzares, Shoshan Shan, a large significantly overweight man, not very imposing or intimidating but somehow has some leadership skills, though there are rumors that his leadership was bought bribed, and stolen.
The Suzzares greets them as they walk into the office. “Good job out there boys, they been a pain in my backside ever since I got this temporary assignment while We wait for them to pick a new Suzerain, then I can go back to governing Helusa.”
“Yes, Suzzares.” says Captain Latte.
“You two also did a great job out there, You are Dismissed All but you Latte.”
Latte's crew dismisses themselves with a salute.
“Now You Captain, I been keeping my eye on you, and your record is impressive.” Suzzares Shoshan Shan, says to Captain Latte in a firm and direct almost accusing nature. The Suzzares grabs Lattes file that was sitting conveniently on top of one of the filing cabinets. As if he was already looking through it.
“I need you to explain to me something. All these trips to earth. You made seven trips. In a period of 3 years.”, queries Shoshan Shan as he paces around Corla looking at the files.
“All of them where sanctioned by the military or the Suzerain. Suzzares.”
“Yes, Yes I know, and she allowed herself to be killed by an Ophesian rebel and not another Suzerain, the worst way for a Suzzarines to finish her term.” He paces the room and thumbs through Captains Latte's record. “There however are two trips that have me concerned.”
The Suzzares shows him a sheet of paper, “There was a trip you took to earth about ten years ago. And what was that mission about.?”
“I have no idea sir, it was long ago.”
“Don’t play dumb with me. I know you delivered a package to earth.”
“Under orders sir.”
“What was in that package you delivered then?”
“Do not know Suzzares, My mission was to deliver a package not know why or what it was.” Captain Latte says without flinching or changing the tone of his voice.
“See but you did remember that mission then?”
“But you were kept in the dark, right? The highest ranking officer on a mission, was not aware of what the package was?”
“There is one thing I find interesting about this mission and the timing of another event.”
“That is Suzzares?”
“Is this not about the same time your wife had a miscarriage.”
“Yes Suzzares, But I do not see how it is related to the mission.”
“Seems you requested this mission, but not knowing what it was for or what you were delivering.”
“Yes, I had to get away from my mate, I was angry that she could;t provide me a child. So I wanted to get away from her.”, Captain Latte attempts to sound as callous as possible.
“Aah, yes.. So you wanted to get away from your mate.”
“I see, now lets look at a more recent mission. This one you took a few weeks before I became Suzzares, you went to some place called Minneapolis, Minnesota on Earth.”
“Yes, I had a diplomatic Mission for the Suzerain to sign a none aggression pack on the shared territory of Ankapor Major.”
“Why would we even agree to that?” questions the Suzzares.
“Do not know Suzzares.”
“So you made some purchases there?”
“Yes. Presents for my daughters eighth born day.”
“Which is not even for another thirty one months she is still seven.”
“Yes, sir. And I bought gifts because, I do not go to earth that often and I wanted some gifts I bought my daughter some gifts for he born day, end of story.”
“You seem to be getting a little emotional there aren’t you.”
“You have been in your own deceptive way trying to accuse me of some level of sedition, when my record should speak for itself.” Corla Raises his voice.
“Oh it does, but I have some red flags here and I will be keeping my eyes on you. So to speak.”
“Yes, Suzzares. Are we done?”
“Yes we are take leave of me.” says the Suzzares.
Captain latte Gives the Suzzares his salute, but the Suzzare ignores him. Just as Captain latte turns around to open the door, The Suzzares says “Wait, I am only the temporary governor here, and I can not do much to enforce my suspicions, but I can send my suspicions up the change if I see anything unusual understand.”
“Yes, Suzzares.” Captain Latte says as he gives an Ophesian hand gesture that means bottom-feeding scum.
“I saw that.” the Suzzares says.
“Good.” Captain Latte says as he closes the door.

The Latte family (1938).
“Family is not necessarily evil.But needed.” Ophesian Saying.

Little Cleo is playing hide and seek with her mom Channa. Little Cleo clods up the steps unaware that she is making such noise that her mom has to pretend she can’t hear where she is hiding. Her mom counts to twenty and pretends to look for her in places that she knows she isn’t. “Now where did she go, shes not in here, nope shes not behind here… Hmm.” “Perhaps I should give up.” She hears Cleo giggle a little.
“I think I heard something over here.”
Cleo tries to stop giggling. But can’t help herself so she puts her hand over her mouth to mute the sound. While mom is still pretending to look for her, Captain latte comes home throws his hat on the coat rack, But before Captain Latte can close the front door, here comes Cleo bounding down the stairs skipping every other step, She jumped onto her father so high knocking him to the ground and kissing him all over his head. “Love you Sapi, yeah you home, Want to play hide and seek”, she asks while still sitting on his chest.
“Like an Ophesian strike first ask favors later.”
“Okay Sapi,” says Cleo as she gets off Dad's chest and grabs his hand trying to help him up Cleo pulls hard, but dad pretends that she is doing it all by herself.
“My you so strong.”
“I will get stronger.”
“Yes, you will who knows you may be strong enough to rule the universe someday.”
Later that night Corla and Channa Latte are communicating while lying in bed.
“I think that Suzzares, has it for me.” says Corla.
“What makes you say so?”
“He wasn’t keeping his hatred for me covert, that is for sure.”
“Are you concerned about anything.”
“Not at the moment but he says he has eyes on us.”
“When don’t they have eyes on us. By the Goddess if they could find a way to regulate the way we have sex, there would be a government agent with a clipboard at the foot of our bed instructing us on the most efficient technique.”
“Don’t give them any ideas.” Corla Picks up a book and dims the light so the room darkens and only his side of the bed is lit.
“Is Cleo asleep?” asks Corla he says as he turns a page in the book he is reading.
“Probably not.”
“She is a supernova of energy isn’t she?” He says.
“I blame your side.”
“My left or right side?”
“Neither.” She says as she smacks him lightly on the leg twice.
Captain Corla Latte, Walks into the large imposing Arkonox De Governox with its tree-lined walks and its fancy colorful garden, with flowers planted in the design of the Ophesian flag and Crests. Occasionally Saluting the other Officers with his Houses salute. The Captain walks up the mosaic tiles overly long staircase into the art-deco glass pyramid where the main entrance of the mostly white multistory building. An occasional bat-like glider craft will fly over and around the building coming into one of the landing areas. Captain Corla turns around and looks at the ocean that comes all the way to a fenced-off grassy area, For a military building the landscaping is extraordinary. Designed purposefully so beautifully, attracting any foreign diplomats. Even though the rumor about the building is people go in and do not come out. The state wants to play both sides, they want to be known as dangerous and influential at the same time they want to put on the face that says, see we aren’t bad we have gardens.
Captain Corla continues up the steps as he watches an Ophesian Military transport land one of the landing pads behind the small woods that are on the other side of the garden. He makes it to the oversized double doors with a stained glass image of Ophesian Legends of the Ophesians and Mermaids and disappears inside.
Walking down the long corridors he talks to a few of his workmates and makes them sit too his office. Where he sits down and begins to file paperwork.
Two men wearing state security uniforms and hats walk in unannounced.
Corla looks up from the paperwork and says in a traditional Ophesian mocking tone. “So what, bring the Suzzares children to my presence.”
“The Suzzares has sent us to get you.”
“So can’t that over-sized jellyfish of a slob get up, was he attacked by a Skarnors or something?”, Corla knows how far he can go with the insults, after all, to be a true Ophesian you have to have a degree in taunting and insults, and Captain Corla can hold his own, even against state officials, He knows where the line is but he does like pushing it like a rubber band. He knows he would never have been allowed to go as far as he has with the barbs, It is actually considered bad manners in some cases not to throw out your best insults. If the Suzzares wasn’t just a temporary replacement until the new Suzzarine is chosen.
“You can tell his lazy eminence that I will be stopping by in an hour after I finish my paperwork.”
“We have a job to do captain, and you are not making it very easy for us.” Says one of the security officials.
“I also have a job to do, see all this paperwork, I am not doing this for a hobby. You half wit drones, I will be there.”
“We will wait.” Says the security officer.
“Well wait over there you will find some toys to play with.” he says as he goes back to his paperwork, looking up at those two just waiting for him to finish.
“Alright you two win, I will never get any work done if you two keep staring at me like a lost pet.”
Five minutes later a very angry Corla walks into the Suzzares office. “Why did you send your pawns interrupt my work.”
“Well, actually I need you.”
“Do you really, you keep trying to infer I am some secessionists or enemy of the state, but you won’t present charges or even arrest me. And now you want my help?”
“Did some one poison your drink? I think you may need some medical officer not me.”
“You have every right to say those things, I still have my suspicions but your skills dictate to me that you are the man I need, and the state still trusts you, against my better judgment.”
“Still not a convincing argument.” says Corla. Shifting back and forth on his feet.
“You know my hands are tied with what I am allowed to do here, and if it was up to me you would be hanging from the tallest poll on the seashore outside, while I watch the birds peck your eyes out.”
“Now there is the sweet talk I been waiting for. What is it that you need from me?”
“Your diplomatic skills.” Says the Suzzares as he grabs a drink from a large metallic object.
“Don’t you have diplomats for that? I am a soldier not a diplomat.”
The Suzzares stands up and looks out the window then walks over to the bookshelf and thumbs through a few personal books he had brought with him, then puts them back on the shelf.
“You know, it will benefit both of us.”
Corla crosses his arms,”How?”
“Well you want to get rid of me as much as I want to get rid of you? Right?”
“Yes. I believe that feeling is mutual. Go on.”
“This is a temporary assignment for me, while I am away from governing my home planet.”
“Oh yeah what rock are you from?”
“I am waiting.” says Corla still standing with his arms crossed.
“Seems my temporary replacement there may be making a move for my position while I am stuck here.”
“If he takes my position, I have to stay here even after a suzerain is chosen, and I will make your life a living hell.”
“Oh you mean you will be less of a nuisance.”
“Yes. You do this for me and I will call off the sharks.”
“How can I trust you?” Asks Corla.
“You can’t, but what better offer can I make?”
“Suicide..Suicide, would be a nice start.” says Corla.
“Are you going to help me or not?”
“Let me think on it... Okay I will but I will take my own men. I need a little bit of muscle to back up my diplomacy, otherwise they are just empty threats.”
“You got it. As long as I know when my assignment here is over, I will still have a seat to sit in back home. I am getting so sick of all this seawater, its ruining my skin.”
“Give me two days to get ready and prepare, I will be taking three others with me.”
That night an exhausted, Corla walks in the door, and puts a smile on for the family, as the incoming 7-year-old Cleo does her trademark surprise attack on him and knocks him to the floor, “Sapi!”

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Seat Warmer (1939).
“It is not that great to be a Leader of Ophesian Group they have a worse retirement policy then us.” Earth Mobster on dealing with Ophesians.

Atlasan arrives at the landing pad, waiting for his rocket to finish being prepared for the flight. He meets up with his hand-picked crew, Secret Unit Guard Arshonor the muscle. And Ltd.Commander Chapha the intelligence officer.
Chapha hands Corla some paperwork, Corla reads through it really quickly absorbing the data.
“Okay you all ready?” Ask Corla.
“Yes Sir.” they both say simultaneously.
One of the technicians walks over to Corla and tells him that they are ready.
Corla motions to his crew to follow him on board. They enter the elevator that allows them to access the entrance toward the top of the more traditional-looking rocket with fins but heavily decorated with Ophesian symbolism. It is a show rocket, it is designed to be art.
As soon as everyone is aboard, the attachments and fueling vehicles begin to back away, as the engines ignite, and a few seconds later Corlas rocket is climbing into the sky until it is a little glowing dot, then nothing.
A few days later Corla and crew arrive on Herdos, as soon as they disembark they walk over to an awaiting state vehicle to transport them to the governor's mansion.
Corla looks out the back window at the scenery, the stars are so bright in the sky, so few clouds, and a very Rocky landscape only occasionally interrupted by vegetation the trees on this planet don't get much bigger than 6 or seven feet. The tallest tree recorded on this planet may have been a little over 8 feet tall, the plants and tree's foliage always seem to be a permanent fluorescent mix of red and green. Even imported plants from other planets if they can grow in the very acidic soil, never seem to grow much taller either. Herdos may have one of the shortest days out of the planets in the Ophesian Group only a 4 hour day with a 32 hour night.
Corla's vehicle drives off the main road towards the mountain range and into a small lit-up tunnel. The vehicle stops for a robot guard, the machine activates a white and blue light as it examines the car, then allows the driver to proceed into the tunnel. After about an hour Corla arrives at an underground parking area, in the center of a parking area is an oversized round platform an elevator designed to take very large objects up and down as well as pedestrians.
“Leave it to Herdoians to have front door in the basement.” Says Chapha.
“Still a bit showy,” says Arshonor he says as they enter the platform area with about 40 other people. With a small high pitched whine, the platform raises into the roof of the cavern, Stopping one at a time at each of the sub-levels about 4 in all even before they get to the surface mansion. The platform stops at the surface about 100 feet away from the mansion.
The mansion looks a little like an earth Mid-evil castle but is made out of the brownstone and red brick. Lit up every 20 feet by along white tube built into the walls.
“Need a lot of light living on a midnight planet.” Says Corla as they head towards the mansion. And being stopped by the security of the mansion, Corla and his crew present the proper identifications, then security waves them through. And enter through the doors.
Corla and his team arrive at the acting Suzzares office And enter without being announced. They walk through a small round office and waiting room past the Suzzares assistance desk, were just to be an ass, Corla drags his hand across the desk knocking everything to the floor.
“Sir’s he is not in.” says the slightly startled and terrified assistant as he sees the Ophesian uniform logo’s knowing that they are very high up on Ophesian’s military totem. Corla opens the door and walks in with the rest of his men in tow. As Corla allows his men to enter. He then turns around, and says to the assistant in a very authoritarian voice,”I am sure you won’t mind us waiting.”
“No Sir, No Sir, go right in.”
Corla stops a moment and cuts the cord to the phone on the assistance desk.
“I prefer if we are announced.”, Corla says as a petrified assistant sits in his chair obediently.
Corla leans against the one wall and looks through the report that he as handed before arriving on Herdos.
“Well boys, How you enjoying the sites?” Corla says slightly sarcastically.
“It’s way too dark. Can’t see a thing.” Says Arshonor.
“Probably a good thing too, what is this thing a meteor with tiny trees?” Asks Chapho
Corla looks out the window at the city lights, even with the city brightly lit up, it seems to illuminate nothing around it.
“It was one of the last Suzerains playthings, it does have Ophesian interests at heart.”
“And what are our interests?” asks Chapho.
“Strategic location, and the elites, love the tiny acidic vegetables they get here, Says Corla still looking out the window.”, Belief or not this is a farming asset.”
“It’s a toy rock.” Arshonor states as he elbows Chapho smiling.
“You will get no argument from me.” Says Corla as he turns around and paces the floor, Corla getting a little impatient waiting.
“Where the hell is, Kon-Arch ?” Corla thinks out loud.
Arshonor pauses for a moment before replying,”He probably got lost in the dark.”
They wait a few more moments, when Kon-arch walks in the front door, saying something to his assistant in a language that none of the Ophesian can understand. But can understand the concerned tone of voice. Arshonor places a firm hand on Kon-arch's shoulder and Chapho does the exact same thing on his other shoulder holding him firmly in place.
Corlalatte turns around to face him. “How are you doing tonight?”
“What, concerns the Ophesian about this place. Considering that you treat us like some backwater planet.”
CorlaLatte,”Well that is an accurate definition I believe.”
“Never the less why are you here?” Asks Kon-arch.
“Can’t we stop by to visit our old pals on Herdos? Come to think of it. Doesn’t Herdos sound like something you cough up?”Corla mocks the planets by saying the name over and over again and mimicking that he's puking.
“So where is the key to the liquor?”
“In my desk.” says Kon-Arch.
Corla looks at the desk, walks around the desk, Smashes the glass cabinet with his hand, “Never mind I got my own.”, he says as he Grabs a large bottle, and begins to pour it large glasses enough for everyone including Kon-arch. Corla hands a glass to each of them.
“Can you tell your monkey’s to get their paws off me?” Asks Kon-Arch. Atlasan nods yes and looks at Arshonor and Chapho. They both remove their hands and enjoy a sip of the Apkopona chardonnay.
Corla Sits in Kon-arch's office chair, Puts his feet up on his desk while kicking all the paperwork off onto the floor, a small flurry of papers slowly floats to the ground.
“Now why we are here.” says Corla.
“Please don’t keep me in suspense.” says Kon-arch.
Arshonor is about to give Kon-arch a backhand to the head, But Corla signals with his eyes and head to hold off.
“Technically, this isn’t Ophesian business, but we are doing a favor for a friend of yours.”
“Of Course? That fat slob, what is it he wants?”
“He want’s to make sure your keeping his seat warm for him, and that is all.”
“Shoshan Shan, Is a pain in my backside, but I have no intention of claiming his position.”
“Are you sure about that?” Asks Corla.
“That paranoid slug is more paranoid then an Ophesian Guard Unit. He accuses everyone of something. I think he may part Ophesian.” Kon-Arch says very sarcastically as he takes a sip from his glass.
“Well, I can not deny that. We aren’t terribly fond of him either, However, I have to insure that someway that you have no intention of redecorating the office while he is away. And it is in My best interest to agree with him on this point.”
“Well if he doesn’t trust me, I will quit, I am really not a bureaucrat anyways. I will quit , if he wants me too, no arguments no fights, I will be more then happy to give this job to some other poor Herodian, and wash my hands of him.”
Corla looks at Kon-Arch and smiles,”Now there is where you and me agree.”

Not those Butchers (1941).
“Mother Opha will watch over the last princes to save her.” Book of Loss Ophesian religion.

Cleo is laying in bed with a slight cough, and running a small fever.
“Mykyum, I don’t feel well.”
Channa looks at her daughter, and says “I know baby, take this it will make you feel good.”, Cleo’s mom takes a small teaspoon of medicine. Cleo takes a sip from it. “Yuck.” Cleo yelps.
“I know baby, I know baby.” Channa says as she puts the back of her hand to Cleo’s forehead.”You will be better soon, let the medicine work.”
“Okay Mykium. I sleepy.” Cleo says.
“That’s the medicine starting to work.” She says and kisses Cleo on the forehead.
Corla walks in the front door waiting for the oncoming surprise Cleo attack, as nothing happens, he is a little concerned but just figures she's outback playing or something. He takes his coat and hat off walks to the back and calls out for Cleo and then his wife. He gets no answer. He walks back into the house walks upstairs, and calls out Cleo’s Name. And then Channa.
Channa comes running out of Cleo’s room. And hugs Corla,”There is something wrong with my baby, she’s got a fever and says her whole body hurts. I gave her some medicine, and now shes asleep, But I never seen anything like this.”
“It is okay, honey, It is Okay.” He says they both go to Cleo’s room to check on her.
Corla sits on the bed next to a sleeping Cleo, as Channa bites her fingernails. Coral puts his hand on her head, and has a concerned look on his face, he then puts his ear to her chest. “That’s not right. I will call the doctor.”
“Alright, but it better not be a military doctor.”
“Yes Dear, I will call HernosUtta.”
“I like him, I trust him.”
Corla leaves the room to make a call. Channa sits on the bed stroking Cleo’s hair. Even though Cleo is sound asleep.
Twenty minutes later HernoUtta arrives with his doctor's kit, The Doctor does a basic examination on the sleeping Cleo. And says an occasional “hmm, with every basic medical check.”
Herno looks at Corla, “Can you get something from my vehicle?”
“In the rear there is a device that is painted orange with bright white dials on it. I need it.”
“No problem.”, Corla races out of the room and brings it back less than a minute later.
Herno flips a few switches on then adjusts the dials as he opens a small cabinet on the top of the device, he pulls out a thing that looks like a large round microphone. And hovers it over Cleo’s chest, then looks at the readout. He takes his free hand lifts her eyelids and sees a weird-looking color around the iris. He remains very quiet during the examination. “Okay I have my suspicions, but I need to do a….”
Cleo begins to convulse and go into seizures rocking and shaking back and forth. The doctor screams to Corla, “Hold her down! Please.”
Corla Complies, and tries to steady his daughter from shaking all over the place. Channa begins to cry and shout “My baby, My Baby.” The doctor opens his kit takes out an injection needle, and inserts some chemicals into it, He holds Cleo's arm down and injects her with the medicine. And after a few terrifying minutes, she begins to stop shaking.
I know what it is, we need to get her to a hospital Now. “Quick put her in my vehicle, now.”
Corla and Channa, do not even think about it Channa opens the Door as Corla picks up Cleo races to the Doctors vehicle, and sets her in the back seat. The Doctor hops in the front seat leaving his equipment behind as Corla and Channa sit in the back with Cleo.
“Shes not breathing, Shes not breathing.”, screams Channa.
The doctor floors it, at the same time reaching around a bag in the front seat, and grabs something that looks like a pill. “Quick stick this under her tongue, and close her mouth. Channa does as told.
The Doctors emergency light is flashing on the front and back of the vehicle allowing him to travel without stops.

by Winky; ; Report

A new Suzerain has been chosen, after being without an official one for many years. The new Suzerain is introduced with parades and pageantry on every planet in the Ophesian group. Her picture is placed over the old Suzerains billboards flags and murals. Firework shows on all the planets.
All the major news outlets are reporting on the Coronation of Suzerain Trono-Apha of The Third house Sector seven.
The months pass, Cleo is having the best time of her life, She has never had so much fun or so much attention.
The rotating mechanical television is mounted just outside the Arkonox De Governox right in the capital city square, An image of the new Suzerains image comes on with Ophesian Anthems of all five houses. A news anchor or propagandists as the rebels refer to them, just gets paid to repeat whatever the state says, without even thinking about it. Just Parrots really. If the state told them, propagandists, to claim that Ophesian's was a planet shaped like a cube, the next day all the astronomy books would claim they live on a cube. After a few minutes of logos and propagandists news. The new Suzerain finally appears on the device.
“Hello Ophesian’s, and Members of the Ophesian groups, From today on we will have a new era of Ophesian Dominance in the universe, Our empire will be the jewel of the all the solar systems known and unknown.”
Corla sitting at home going through some intelligence reports block out the mandatory ‘Emergency Broadcast’ as if a new Suzerain bloviating about herself and Ophesian superiority is an emergency of any level.
“So you met the new boss yet?” Asks Channa.
“No, I am not in any hurry too.”
“Nothing will change, Nothing will improve, Nothing will get worse, the only difference will be a different pretty face to present to the world, and the universe.”
“You may be right.”
“Yes, I will have the same jobs and the same hours. Same frustrations, and we will Still be Ophesian.”
“When do you get the meet her?”
“When she sends me the invitation to her self-congratulation ego trip. Maybe in the next two or three days, But I prefer not to be able to attend.”
“Your the most anti-bureaucrat, bureaucrat I have ever met.”
“Yes, I am. I really am.” Corla says as he returns to his paperwork.
Cleo comes running in the room supercharged and giggling like crazy.
“Can I help Sapi?” she says playfully?
“You want to do paperwork?”
“I want to do what you do Sapi.” She says.
“Be careful what you wish for, there is a pretty good chance you will be doing exactly what I do.”
“Yes. I do.” Cleo says as she pretends to write on the paperwork he threw out on the floor.

by Winky; ; Report

The last winter (1942).
“A hardy population is hard to destroy, A hardy leader that falls can take a hardy population down with them.” Ophesian Proverb.

The winter is starting in Sector 5 Principality of Pappiki, Where the majority of government elites live, including the Lattes.
The snowfall is light this early in the ceiling but will be falling pretty consistently for the next few Ophesian months before the winter will get much worse. The vegetation still is mostly green, the trees on Ophesian, some of the leaves still fall off like earth trees, but the majority of the trees, the leaves fold up in the winter, or close like flower buds.
Cleo is overdressed in winter clothing that makes it hard for her to move around but still doesn’t stop her as she plays around in the snow.
Channa is doing the house chores while looking at the window, Some of Cleo’s friends are playing with her in the snow. Channa watches as she sees two Ophesian guard planes fly low overhead.
Arkonox De Governox. Corla-Latte gets up from his desk, to take a break from his paperwork, he walks over to the coffee maker and pours himself a small cup of coffee. He walks over to his window and looks out the window, watching the snow start.
“It’s almost here, Her Born day.” he thinks to himself as he takes a sip of very expensive coffee that was flown in from the earth. Ophesian’s may not respect the Earth system or its people too much, but the few things they do enjoy from the earth is the coffee, Very few of the planets in the Ophesian group have the right climate to make traits that very good coffee needs.
“Sir, The Suzerain requests your presence.” says one of Corla’s assistants who just came running in the door.
“I suppose she wants me now?”
“Yes Sir. As soon as possible.”
“Okay I’ll be there in five.” Captain Latte says as he continues to look out the window and thinks about his daughter until his cup of coffee is finished.
Corla sets his empty cup down on his desk and walks out normally in no hurry to meet the new Suzerain, He considers it as interesting as filing paperwork, no matter how normal, weird, or eccentric the new suzerain may be. He’s lived through 3 of them so far. He is sure he will live through another three of them, and not one of them will change one damn thing. The number one mission of the Ophesian state is to be a threat, or at least look like a threat to any other empires who may want its collection. Foreign Exo-anthropologists, have a theory that since they evolved on mostly a water planet with small islands some of the tribes have not even associated with each other until the last 3000 years. Are very paranoid of the other tribe, and the houses that are part of the culture, are also an offshoot of the Ophesian DNA of paranoia, in extension outsiders. Ophesian government evolved originally from self-protection before it had morphed into a Pageantry of out ego-ing one another and chest-thumping insults.
Corla straightens his uniform checks his hate then salutes the guards outside the entrance the Suzerains Superintendents office. Corla takes a deep breath, Just out of frustration. He knows one of the most dangerous jobs in the Ophesian empire, If you aren’t being assassinated by enemy states, the Ophesian found a way to assassinate its own leaders when they do not pull the party line, the secret state is so secret even the members do not know they are members until after something happens, and they put two and two together. Corla is not really afraid of either, since his job is to give push back to the Suzerain to keep them from doing something stupid or something the state does not want to happen. Then magically the Ophesian’s have a new leader sooner or later. Corla realizes that his daughter will be a candidate on her eighth born day, because of his family history and name. He just can not get his daughter off is his mind, though he thinks about some things he has set up to make her born day the most wonderful thing she has ever experienced.
Corla eventually makes it to the double doors of the Suzerain office. The door is already open waiting for him to arrive.
“Glad you can make it, Do you Keep everyone waiting?” says a tall very tan woman with sleek black hair almost down to her thighs. And done in a unique Ophesian style, that is layered like ocean waves. Corla Sees that she is almost a head taller than he is. With Dark black eyes. She seems spooky even to him. Wearing a skin-tight fitting dress with a low-cut neckline. Though aside from the traditional head jewelry of a Suzerain she doesn’t seem to be too fond of jewelry but does paint herself up like a painting.
“I am sorry my Suzerain, I am glad to finally meet you.” Says Corla.
“I hear you are an Ophesian asset, the best of best.”
“Well that depends on what skill you are referring too.” Says Corla.
“Your Piloting skills, I hear are astonishing.” She says.
“Yes they are, and any one I train is just as good as I am.”
“I am glad to hear that.” She says.
“Do you need a pilot?”
“Not yet, But I will eventually like you to be the pilot of my rocket.”
“You want me to be your driver? A chauffeur?”
“In a matter of speaking yes. At least an escort when I have to make a few state trips.”
“I take it you plan to do more then the average number of trips for a Suzerain?”
“See you can read me like a book, I see that is something else you are good at.” She says to him.
“Well thank you but Being good at reading people is in an Ophesian’s DNA.”
“Your fairly modest for an Ophesian.”
“No, I am simply honest for an Ophesian, No games, No guessing I tell you exactly what you need to know regardless of the consequences for me or anyone else.” States Corla.
She still speaks fairly soft,”All right that is what I need, I am promoting you to suzerain lieutenant.”
“Thank you My Suzerain, But are you sure?”
“Yes, But I do have one question?”
“You and the Suzzares didn’t seem to see eye to eye?”
“Nope that seat warmer, was a rachatcha.”
“Well I agree, But hes out of the picture now, on his home planet.”
“NO better place for him than that rock.” Corla says.
“Okay you can start next week while you find a replacement for yourself. You are dismissed.”
Suzzerine Trono-Apha Gives an Ophesian Salute singling her house and sector, Corla does the same indicating his house and sector.
“Thank you my Suzerain.
” Corla says one more time as he leaves her office.
Corla arrives home that night a little later than normal, and braces for the incoming Cleo pounce, and no matter how much he tries to brace himself, she always manages to take him down.
“Channa, Cleo, looks like I got a promotion, I am the Suzerains new LTD.”
“So what she is like?” asks Channa.
“Manipulative.” he says as he gets up off the ground while Cleo giggles.
“Sounds like shes perfect for her job then.”
“No arguments from me.”
“So how is my Cleo Doing?”
“I’m being super good.”
“Is she Channa?”
“She is super good.”, Channa says smiling at Cleo.

Trona’s Deal.
“Head on ones shoulders or head on a stick, your choice?” King Artosona Ophesian King 2,000 Years ago.

On the border of the Ophesian Curtain, Trona’s Space Yacht is just hitting the ionosphere, as the rocket shields itself from the heat and friction with random blue and red glows enveloping the yacht.
Inside the passenger area of TO-73, Trona is at her desk towards the rear of the cabin, whilst Corla is playing a card game with one of the other crew members. The pilot announces,” Please be seated landing in 2 minutes.”
The two crew members along with Corla and Trona, all take their landing seats, by folding out jump seats that are in the wall, sitting down, and fastening seat belts.
“My Suzerain are we going to find out what we are doing here anytime soon?” Asks Corla as he leans back in his seat.
“Soon enough, Soon enough.” She says as the rocket begins shaking as it begins its final few thousand-foot descents.
A giant square door slides open seemingly at the last minute but timed correctly for the rocket to set down through the sliding doors and immediately shuts, a few seconds later Trona’s rocket lets off a few puffs of smoke and fire and is landed. A few seconds later two elevators clamp onto the rocket, and the rocket is slowly descending below ground.
Trona orders the crew to wait near the rocket for now and indicates to Corla non verbally to follow her. He does so without hesitation, He follows her through two glass doors and into another elevator shaft.”
“How many elevators does this place have anyways?” asks Corla.
“The easy answer is too many.” Trona smiles, but they arrive at their first destination, a small high-tech metallic shiny mining cart, big enough to seat 6 people and some cargo. Along the side of the cart in Ophesian lettering it spells out mining maintenance.
“I guess, this isn’t just an empty outpost.” Says Corla a bit surprised, but he doesn’t even know why he is the least bit stunned by this.”
“You know the holy books say we are always more then we seem, and we will always be more then we are, but less then we should be.” says Trona trying to be a little more metaphysical, and spouting it like nuggets of wisdom.
“I think half those preachers of ancient texts where on some very good drugs. But that particular quotes seems to be appropriate.” says Corla as he sits down next to Trona in the mining car.
“Not fond of the ancients or the Goddess?” she asks.
“Not really.” he states.
“Good thing I am not a member of the religious cast, or I would have you hanged.” she says.
“Every caste needs a hobby.” He says then faces forward.
The mechanical car beeps two times, then the motor hums and it follows a narrow track-like device in the floor through two double doors into an almost pitch-black tunnel.
Corla almost laughs. And Trona notices.
“What is so amusing?”, Trona asks in a soft voice, almost a weak helpless voice, but Corla knows this is all an act. Changing the tone of voice the words she uses, pretending she doesn’t know things he knows she knows and vice versa.
Corla looks at her, trying to read her, though over the last few months he has become very good at it she switches so often, sometimes he finds it hard to tell what actual mode she is in.
“Well my Suzerain, it reminds me of a ride I went on with my mate on earth, they think it creates romance. Some of the rides are scary, you float in this animal shaped water craft through tunnels and weird lights and there are a lot of scares in some of these, I think I even jumped once or twice, and humans seem to use fear as an aphrodisiac.”
Trona thinks on that for a moment, “So if we attacked earth and they where afraid of us, they would basically start an orgy because they got attacked?”
“Maybe.” says Corla.
“We may find out soon enough.” Says Trona.
“We aren’t planning to go with them are we?”
“Nope, but there seems to be very big grumblings of an earth war, and not those Erica anti skirmishes they call wars, one that may involve the planet fighting it self and all related planets.” She states as the vehicle moves through another set of doors.
“Our intelligence is pretty good on earth related activities.”
“Those idiots couldn’t find a giant diamond in the middle of a coal shaft with out an order to find the diamond, they tell us what they want us to hear half the time so their heads aren’t paraded around on sticks.”
“I think I may take offense to that.” Says Corla.
“No offense intended there are always exceptions to the rule.” she says.
“But we know because we are a warrior culture, and they are a warrior culture, regardless of how much they want world peace hand holding, and a global orgy of love and understanding, it is neck high bird droppings.” she says sounding almost jealous instead of dismissive.
“But mark my words in the next ten years, their war will have repercussions across many solar systems.”
“ You are no ordinary Suzerain are you?” asks Corla.
“No, I am not, I am a better one.”
“That sounds like the Ophesian Bravado I am used too.” he says
“Sometimes you can’t avoid it. When it is true.”
The car goes through another set of doors much larger, but into an open area, as they pass several launch pads for Titanic Missiles lined up on each side all readied for a launch in seconds if needed.
“So this mining colony mines totantic Missiles?”
“And Monoclonalic missiles and a few other types, it’s not an outpost its a launch platform.”
“Still doesn’t tell me why we are here.”
“Relax, Corla we are almost there.” she says.
“We could of parked closer.” He says.
“No we couldn’t.”
The Car stops and at the very end of the track, they both get out and walk out steps carved out of stone, the lighting is much better in this area, there are a few offices down here, for managers and security personnel but are empty at the moment. Since there is very little activity during a rest period. Trona opens one of the doors and lets Corla walk in first. She shuts the door behind her.
Corla looks around the unfinished room that looks like it is partly under construction, and parts of the flat wall still need to be smoothed out from the rock it was carved into.
“There is a reason I brought you here.”
“A beautiful place to kill me.”
Trona smiles, “Well not yet, But I will keep that in mind thanks for the advice.” she says.
“Just doing my job.” He says.
“No, I much more important reason,” she says as she takes a device that was hiding in one of the larger jewels on her headdress. She presses a button on it and it starts to click, she moves it around the room, waiting for the timing of the clicks to change, and nothing happens.
“Okay we are safe now.”
“I trust you, more then I trust anyone else on my staff, I looked into you, with going through other none traditional channels.”
“Trust me enough to check up on me?”
“Yes, I just needed to know if my gut feelings were correct. Turns out my Ophesian instincts are exactly like we claim they are.”
“I take it there is more.” He asks.
“Yes, but first I am glad Cleo is okay, I know that may of put a fright into you.”
“So, that is public knowledge it is not something I tried to hide.”
“Yes, but I do know that you have another issues something you sent to earth about ten years ago.”
Corla’s face turns pale white, Corlas usual poker face completely disappears and his Jaw almost drops, but he regains composure.
“Relax I do not blame you, I likely with resources would of done the exact same thing, However I do know What your plan is with Cleo, and I want to help you.”
“I need you and your skills.” she says.
“Yes but lets consider it my insurance policy that you will go above and beyond your duty.”
“Does anyone else know?”
“At least not anyone who should never know.”
“That is a relief. But even if I do accept these terms, This does not mean either of us can let our guard down.”
“Was not planning too.”, Says Trona.
“I kind of smoothed things out for you, but it is all based on timing, second too late, second too early and everything falls apart, Do you understand.”
Corla Nods.
“And what we talked about here was a missile audit and inspection. So we still need to inspect the real reason we are here.” Says Corla as she gives Corla her personal Ophesian Salute.

by Winky; ; Report

Cleo's Born Day Party.
“There are not many types of celebrations on Ophesious that aren't state related, But of the few we have Born day is one we can enjoy.” Ophesious Group Defector.

Ophesians, A cold winter morning in the principality of Papiki, the earth year 1937, the years on Ophesians are slightly different, on earth she would have been 6 turning 8, an Ophesian year is about a half of year longer than an earth year.
The snow is falling from the reddish skies mixed with a touch of winter gray. Corla walks up the front steps this morning after getting back from another secret Ophesian mission, But Corla was not going to miss today for anything, he has big plans for today.
Cleo comes down the stairs skipping every few steps, she runs to her mom Channa, “Kykamn, Kykamn (Mommy, Mommy)What did you get me mommy?”, Cleo shouts all excitedly.
“Silly little girl, What makes you think we got you anything?”
“It is my Born day, You teasing me mom.” Cleo says.
“Well, even if we did get you anything You have to wait for Sapi.”
“When is Dad coming home?” she asks.
“Any second now, I think that’s him now.” Cleo runs to the door opens it with a loud thud knocking items off a shelf she sees her daddy walking up towards the steps.
Coral looks up and the last thing he sees before hitting the ground. With an 8-year-old Cleo shouting at him,” My Born Day, My Born day.”
“I know sweetheart, I know,” Corla says as he sits up picks Cleo up, and takes her into the house.
Channa has set the presents on the table when Corla and Cleo return to the inside of the house.
Cleo tears into the biggest present first. “And throws the wrapping paper all over the room, She opens the box to find new outfits.”
Cleo is all excited, “ooh ooh, I love this one the best. And this one and this one. Can I wear them all at the same time?”
“You can but I do not think that will work.” Says Channa.
Corla sits down at the table across from Channa, starts drinking some unknown very hard liquor in a small glass, Channa looks at Corla, asking that question with her eyes that neither of them can verbalize.
Corla nods, as he turns his attention back to Cleo, “Go ahead open the next one honey, hurry so your friends can come over and bring you more presents.”
“More presents?”
Channa says, “Yes more presents.”
Cleo tears through the next few presents full of toys and toy jewelry. Screaming all excitedly when she sees each one.
She gets to the jewelry box, looks at it,”Something to put my pretty things in” She grabs all that jewelry opens up the box shoves all the now tangled up jewelry in it and it begins to play an earth lullaby. “It makes pretty sounds too.”
Channa looks at Cleo,”Yes baby it does, it does, that is a beautiful tune.”
There is only one more box left, and Cleo tears into it with the ferocious of a diseased shark leaving small cardboard shards and wrapping paper all over the living room, as Channa does her best to prevent the house from getting too messy.
In the back room the News automatically comes on at a certain time to report on Ophesian or other solar systems news, Corla listens carefully and catches part of the newscast, something about Japan has invaded China on earth.”
Corla thinks to himself,”She was right, and so it begins.” Corla looks concerned for a moment then consoles himself by thinking “A war torn earth is still better then a peaceful Ophesian's.”
Cleo looks at the princess doll, and hugs it.”I am a princess too.” She says as she plays with it a little when a knock on the door comes.
Channa gets up,”Your friends are here.”
“YAY!” Cleo drops her princess doll and runs to the door to let her friends in. Channa starts setting the table for about 8 kids beside Cleo, The kids come in one by one and set the presents where Corla directs them to.
Corla says, Okay who wants to play outside while we get ready.”
“But more Presents Sapi.” Shouts Cleo.
“Later, Your friends probably want to play.” Corla says to Cleo.
“Okay, Sapi.”
All the kids file out the back door through the kitchen into the back yard, Cleo puts her warm clothes on and joins them a few seconds later. Cleo falls down in the snow as she runs out not paying attention. Falls flat on her face in the snow, She laughs.
Corla comes out all dressed up in his winter clothes and starts making and throwing snowballs at the kids which he soon regrets as the kids return fire in a volley covering almost every part of his body in the snow.
“Sapi a snow monster,” Cleo points and laughs.
Corla also laughs as he begs the kids to stop,”Cease you win, You win. Who wants to build a snow man.”
“ME, Me, Me Cleo shouts.” as she and her friends start rolling up enough snow for the bottom of the snowman.”
Channa soon comes out and plays with the children as well helping them make a whole snow family.
Corla, Channa, and Cleo with the help of a couple of her friends roll enough for the head, Cleo grabs the head in her tiny hands, and says “Lift me, Lift me.” Corla picks Cleo up Cleo still holding on to the head, Cleo carefully puts the head on the last snowman and says, “Got a whole snow family.”
Corla says to her in her ear softly, “Yes you do, Yes you do.” he then spins her around.
At first, she loves it screaming and shouting,” Yeee, Yeee, More, faster, faster Sapi.” then when she's had enough her tune changes.”I’m dizzy stop. Stop, Please stop.” Corla stops but they both fall in the snow dizzy. As soon as Cleo regains her composure, She and Corla stand up wiping off the snow from themselves. He gives Cleo a super tight hug as if he will never let go. “Sapi, you gonna make me poop.”
Channa laughs at what Cleo says. Channa then a few moments later does the exact same thing.
” Kykamn, you squeezing me too hard.” Cleo struggles but hugs back.
“I am sorry baby, I love you.” She says.
“Love you too, Kykamn.”
Out front, they hear a clopping sound.
Channa says when she hears this,” everyone out front we got another surprise for you. The kids run around the house to the front, then some of them run back screaming, but some of them are curious.
Cleo looks at a tall brown beautiful animal she has never seen before.
Channa tries to comfort the kids that are hiding for they have never seen a horse before, or that many earth animals, “It is okay, it is a horse.”
“Cleo mispronounces the name? I got a hose?”
“No baby it is a horse, you ride it.” Corla lifts Cleo up unto the horse,”everyone gets a turn please wait here.”
“Cleo you hold onto this tight.”
“Okay, Sapi.” The tiny Cleo on the large brown horse is a little scared at first but begins to like it as she holds on to the saddle super tight, as the handler her and the horse around the block.”
Channa and Corla look at each other as Cleo disappears around the corner, Then they smile at each other.
Cleo returns a few minutes later and dismounts, so the next kid can give it a try.
Channa asks Cleo, “What do you think?”
Cleo smiles, and says to her mom, “I love hoses.”
“Horses.” Channa says.
A few hours later the party is over, Cleo is exhausted, but pretending she isn’t sleepy at all. She is wearing some of the jewelry she got and playing with the princess doll.
Channa and Corla are waiting patiently, for the clock to turn. Channa is drinking a little more than she should calm her nerves. Corla is just as nervous but refrains from drinking anything.
They sit and stare at each other holding each other's hands for support. Even Corla’s who isn’t religious is praying to the goddess for assistance tonight.
The vex phone begins to ring, Corla answers it almost on the first ring, he thinks he hears the suzerain and then nothing.
“Hello, Hello who is this?” Corla asks. And gets no answer.
Corla stands up looks at Channa, and gives her the do it now looks.
Channa gets up and starts to run upstairs to get Cleo when loud Knocks on the door are heard.
“Not now not now, It is supposed to be tomorrow not today.” Channa says.
“Get her out of here you know what to do.”
Before Channa can make it up the steps, two heavily armed Ophesian Secret police bust open the door, two more wait outside with guns pointed at the house, Corla looks out the back door and sees two more waiting there.
“What is this about?” Corla plays dumb.
“Shes a suzerain candidate Sir, She has to go to the School.”, the tall officer says, and the only one not wearing an armored face mask.
“Official policy is after her born day, not on and not before.” Corla says trying to stall.
“Sorry Sir, Orders from the top.”
“I doubt that.”
“Were are done here.”, says the officer as he sends two of his men in to retrieve Cleo. Channa Jumps up knocking the jewelry box over onto the floor as it begins to play its earth lullaby, She attacks the head of the first man, Punching him in the head with her fist and the alcohol bottle, over and over again, one of the other guards Shoots Channa in the back, as Both Channa and the Guard fall to the floor dead. Corla then reaches for his sidearm and manages to blast another guard before shooting him in the arm, Cleo comes running down the stairs in all the commotion and sees her mom lying on the floor and her dad fighting the bad man off, She drops her princess doll on the ground right next to the door. And Cleo runs and pounces the guy who just shot her dad in the arm, knocking him to the floor, she starts kicking, punching, and biting him, as the officer has to fight a little girl off without harming her.
The other men come rushing in the backdoor grab Cleo off the officer. Then takes her to the waiting out front. Dad gets up and shoots the one officer in the back of the head he falls down in the snow the other man with a gun returns fire at Corla who is standing in the door who fires behind him at Corla, a direct hit in the chest. Corla falls to the Ground, shouting with his last breath, “we love you.” He holds his chest and falls face forward knocking the princess doll now covered in the blood into the snow next to him, Corla looks up at the doll one more time, puts his hand on it, and finally dies, as Cleo is carried away kicking crying and screaming. The car drives off to some unknown destination.
Arkonox De Governox, Two Ophesian guards drag the body of the most recent suzerain Trono-Apha, out of the office by her feet, her long flowing jet black hair dragging across the floor and disappearing down a corridor.
The night lights illuminate the dark spaceport reflecting off the falling snow, only a few other rockets are coming in as most of them are taking turns taking off one by one at the Spaceport, the captain waits for her special cargo. Her copilot says to her, “she isn’t coming we have to go, they are gonna close the borders.”
“Give them ten more minutes.” She says.
“Okay I will get pre-start ready, but we have to go with or without them.”
“Okay, Okay.” Captain Roasanna says looking at the watch pacing back and forth.
Roasanna has a feeling that something went wrong, but waits another five minutes,”Good luck Lattes.” She gets into her rocket, a few minutes later the rocket begins to smoke out of its engines, then the fin engines flame up, and soon at first slowly the rocket begins to rise and then speeds up and launches itself into the sky, soon the rocket just becomes a flickering flame in the sky, then a glowing dot as it disappears into the ionosphere.

Join us next week for another exciting adventure of the OSA Space Rangers.

by Winky; ; Report