
What if we had space travel in the past? What if by the 1930's we have already been traveling among the stars for a little over 100 years. What if a lot of the social problems we had throughout history happened in a slightly different way. This is their story of what happened about 90 years ago.

Brian Bentley's Outer Space Adventures “Stars in the Way.” loosely based on Rocky Jones Space Rangers. And the Science fiction Serial format from the 1930s to the 1950s. These are the stories of Rocky, Winky, Vena, Cleo and many more old and new original characters.


The Solar system has been traveling space for the last One hundred years, Since the 1840s due to a civil war in the united states that when hot around 1813, and the war lasted into the 1850s, The Prolonged civil war advanced rocketry and missile technology rapidly until they could orbit planets. Earth had rockets before they had Airplanes. (1830-1918)


Several other systems had been reached or discovered by 1910 Including the Ophesian Group. Who at first aside for a few disagreements got along fine, until Earth systems realized how oppressive  and aggressive the Ophesian group was. Though trade continued with Ophesian Group and the Sol system continue d they now viewed each other with distrust.By the middle of the 1920s Traveling between the two systems became more difficult and complicated. Nicknamed by historians as the “PAPERS PLEASE ERA.” (1926)


By the 1920a the Iron and steel age Going from Steam and electricity to fossil fuels and Man-made Fuel sources was merging with the newest technology. Harvesting and slowing down Tachyon particles , to go faster then light with out warping side effects.Jazz, Swing and Speak easy going strong on all the Colonized planets and moons, Every one had high income and low morals.


The 1930’s On earth there is a global depression getting underway. Though thanks to interstellar travel and trade, Seems to be on the decline. But there are still many issues that remain to be fixed.


Ophesian Group led by A series of Suzzarines and Suzzares,From the large Ocean planet Ophesian Not entirely a water world with hundreds of small to medium sized islands. Are slowly expanding their reach by Annexing or conquering less powerful planets with in its reach.


On Venus, with its multiple domed cities, Has become a technical powerhouse with hundreds of research labs and a main space tourism destination.


The Prah Pirates, walk a fine line between legal and illegal, More concerned with amazing the most toys and money, even occasionally going to battle with each-other, But willing to defend each-other against outsiders.


The Prah pirates are not the only pirates in the universe, Though mostly localized around the Ophesian group, Loosely referred to as feeders, They call themselves squids. The Prah may have rules they follow, But the Squids have no such limits or morals.


Mars is an industrial power house, From Mining to manufacturing A number of research facilities and universities are scattered over the several Mars Settlements.


Hercleous Part of the Ophesian group, May be part of the Ophesians but have their own hedonistic culture that pretty much mimics to some extent the Greeks. Though they will battle for the Ophesian group they would much prefer to party.


Around 1930s, A primitive form of the Office of space affairs currently known as the Astro exploration consortium, has been reaching out to other planets looking for life.


The one surprising fact scientists have discovered is that all the aliens they have discovered so far are all humans, with various degrees of differences but similar DNA, Scientists were so sure that evolution on the other planets would be a little more varied, A wolf on earth is different on another planet but it is still a wolf, and recognizable as such. To explain such lack of diverse evolution on intelligent life in the galaxy, the scientists refer to it as Ark theory and have some evidence that thousands of years ago, 50 to 100,000 years ago. A group of humans who had space travel, either a super large ship, or a fleet of them ran into difficultly, and had to settle wherever they could. Which would explain some of the common traits and similar languages and cultures among people who have never met each-other or even knew each-other existed.


The Cylodus is in a pre-civil war phase Nations are being divided from each-other, within each nation economies are collapsing government’s are aligning, and some of the insurrection is being funded by the Ophesian group, for at last with money.


The Astro Exploration mission has found out not all aliens are friendly, and are trying to form some form of space league of nations, called United Worlds of the Solar Systems or UWSS. A Young Officer Named Colonel David Drake, is put in charge of trying to put together a plan to get as many nations from each planet into the Organization.


Episodes 1-12 : Rocky Road


Blue Skies and Fall Days (1934).

“Lte doo pho' ju hou, gcore cnoou fbuoo o hu tte .”


“I know the stars are out there, even if the clouds hide them forever.” Legendary Chieftain Yugosa. From Alpha Centauri System.


September 1934, Harding, Minnesota. 9:47 AM.


A freight train, rumbling through forests and farmland, passing just outside the small town of Harding Minnesota. A town of about 950 people surrounded by farmland and forests. An old Lincoln Byrd hover-car is parked on its belly in front of “Korners” General Store. The wind is blowing across the flat land lightly ringing the bell in the baptist church steeple. The town resembles those that are on the front of Christmas cards. One main street, with 6 stores. A hardware store, Feed Store, Drug Store, Fix and Repair shop, and a lone 2 pump gas station at the north entrance to the town. A three-story brick school that holds all the students from kindergarten to twelfth grade.

The Bell rings to let 16-year-old Rocky Eric Jones, Tall brown eyes black hairs, wearing an old football jersey with the number 02. Rocky is in the hallway leaving the last class History is over and has 5 minutes to get to the next class Math. Rocky Eyes this one girl with flowing Black hair and dark brown eyes and very curvy wearing a blue dress that cuts off just right above the knees. He glances over and when she returns his look he pretends to look away as if he was looking for someone else, then looks down and opens his book and pretends to read. As he starts walking to class. A few moments later Rachel Taps him on his shoulder which startles Rocky enough to Drop his book on the ground as he nervously picks it up. 

”You aren’t afraid of girls are you?” She says slyly.

”Of course not, Just surprised me that’s all.” Rocky stutters the sentence out.

”You know what?” She pauses, and makes her eyes wider as she continues to talk,” I think that is cute as a bee’s knees.”

She grabs her books tightly and presses them against her belly.

”Really?” Rocky replies still trying to organize his books and picking up loose papers to return to the proper pages.

”Yes, I saw you looking at me.”, she says in a flirtatious manner.

”Yeah?” Rocky blushes.

”Strong silent type aren’t you?” she says increasing her flirtation, rubbing up next to Rocky's leg.

”I guess.”. Rocky says looking away.

”Man of few words, and many actions I assume.”, She says changing the tone in her voice to be a little bit higher.

”I ain’t all that.” Rocky dismisses the compliments.

”And modest of course, such a dreamy guy.” She hands him a piece of paper.

”If you like me to open it now and smile. If not, don’t open it and walk away.”

Rocky looks confused for a moment, but even if he is kind of shy inside the internal curiosity has won him over, he opens it and slowly reads it. 

I noticed you watching me and I have been watching you too. And I really am quite fond of you, I would love to explore that with you. Here are my phone number Harding-723-1. Won’t you give this girl a call after school? Write yes or no below. I think you are super wonderful.

Rocky looks up and does a half-smile but his eyes show that he’s really excited at the prospect and Rachel notices, as her heart pounds slightly harder. Rocky fills in the form writes the sloppy answer “yes” and then shows her the note. As he takes it back and pockets it. 

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The Bell ring goes off indicating that they are both late for classes and they both run off in opposite directions. Rocky nearly runs over a hall monitor and a teacher on his way to class. Rocky apologizes as he makes it to class, Mrs. Applebalm looks disappointed but ignores the slight disruption when he arrives at class and takes his seat.
His friend a blonde curly-haired friend, Greg bumps his shoulder,:” I saw you talking to Rachel man she's starry and stacked.”
Rocky replies in a hushed quiet tone “Yeah so? What about it?”
”She likes you, I know you got a thing for her.”
Rocky looks down and whispers. “Well yeah, and I got her number.”
”Did you give her yours?” Greg asks as he chews on a number two pencil.
”I didn’t even think about it. Oops, Though, I did promise to call her later after school.” Rocky leans back in his chair.
”Well when you get hitched, Don’t forget about your friends.” Greg says as he leans towards Rocky whispering.
”Holy cow, We just getting to know each other I ain’t been zapped yet by her lover gun.”, Says Rocky slightly louder than she wanted to.
Greg smiles stifling a laugh “Yeah, you have you just don’t know it yet.”
The 51-year-old woman who still looks like she is around her late 30’s who is wearing a short 1920s bob cut hairstyle with soft curly brown hair quietly walked up behind him and has been observing the chat between Rocky and Greg. “Well do you two want to teach the class?” She crosses her arms, as she awaits their answers.
They both respond in almost unison “No Ma’am”
”Then I can assume that any conservation from here out will to me questions about math?”
”Rocky replies in a reverent tone, “Yes Ma’am” and Greg slightly sarcastic but acting wounded also replies “Yes Ma’am”
After class Rocky runs into Rachel a couple of times as they eye each other, say nothing to each other but smile. Rachel and her friends giggle each time Rocky smiles or waves at Rachel and then whispers in each other's ears as they go on to the next class. And Rocky can’t help but take in the whole female form of Rachel as he Carries his books from under his arms to in front of him. As he carefully tries not to reveal the side effects of newly recently discovered emotions that are hard for a teenager to control.
The final bell ring indicating it is time to go home for the evening to do homework and have some fun. If he can get the chores and homework done on time, and Rocky has a mission to call Rachel as soon as he walks in that door. 
Rocky spends a few moments hanging with his friends on the corner lighting up some smokes and choking on them, and trying to ditch them whenever an adult walks by.
”See Casanova here has got a hot, hot date soon,” says Fredrick.
”I do not, at least not yet,” Rocky replies defensively.
Greg, “Stop being so defensive, it’s okay to like her shes a babe shes an IT GIRL. Whatever the others do not have she has IT.”
Rocky blushes. “Okay, can you take ten minutes off of razzing me for a few moments.”
Jason “But what fun would that be?”
”I do, get to, get going,” Rocky says.
”Don’t be sore, we just teasing.”
” I am not sore, but I really want to get back to call her.”
”That we can understand shes Vroom vroom.” Says Jason.
”Yeah.” Rocky replies as he walks away and waves bye to his friends ditching the remainder of the cig they were sharing. 
Rocky walks to the edge of the small town and starts walking down the dirt road about an 8-minute walk from town to his house. He arrives at the destination and looks at the driveway pulling the letter out of his pocket with Rachel’s number on it. As he’s walking up his driveway looking down at the ground he sees open beer bottles and whiskey bottles littering the ground, which is unusual and he looks up sees his father's tractor parked in the driveway still running crashed into the parked 1921 ford. One of the wheels is bent off. Rocky hears shouting and screaming from the house. Rocky looks up drops his books in the middle of the driveway and start running towards the house. He smashes open the front door like no one’s business and follows the sound of the shouting upstairs running across the balcony to his parent’s bedroom. 
”You didn’t see me with no one, you are drunk and hallucinating.” She says trying to be defiant but backing up a little bit.
”I saw you with the butcher. I saw you, I saw you.” Eric shouts As he steps closer to her.
”You saw me buying meat, nothing else.” she steps back behind the bed.
”I saw you doing more than that.” Eric walks closer to her punching the wall knocking some pictures off the wall as they crash to the floor.
”You need to rest you are drunk. Get some Sleep.” Gwendolyn says to Eric.
”I don’t care, don’t lie to me you 2 cent whore I saw you with him.”, he says as he pushes her against the wall and, gets so close to her, that she can feel his breath on her face and smell the alcohol.
”Get out of my face back up. You scaring me.”, Her voice pitches up a few octaves.
”Damn right I am scaring you, you damn whore sleeping with half the town.” He says as he grabs her arm very tightly cutting off the circulation.
” I only sleep with you, and you making me regret it.” as she frees her arm from his grip.
Eric gets really up close to her face again and starts squeezing it hard as he pushes his mom up against the wall, Shaking the wall so some more pictures fall down others slant crooked and one falls on the lamp breaking it into little pieces.
”Rocky CALL THE POLICE, PLEASE.”, Screams a panicked Gwendolyn. 
Rocky runs down the stairs so he can call the police.
His father grabs him by the collar and throws him against the wall, “You ain’t going nowhere son. This is between me and your mom and you are going to watch you little punk.”
Rocky lays on the floor trying to rethink his plan. As his dad begins throwing and punching his mom around the room. As she screams Rocky gets up and jumps on his father. His father is bigger and stronger then he throws him off against the door catching the doorknob on his side, Rocky cringes for a few moments looking around the room for a weapon but can’t find any. Rocky begins to get up when his mom all black and blue runs out of the room and his father gives chase Rocky trips him sending his father forward headfirst into the door jam. Rocky’s father being drunk and numb feels nothing and kicks Rocky in the head as hard as he can with his work boots causing Rocky to bleed out of the ear. Rocky collects himself and runs after his father and sees his mother being choked by his father, Rocky is losing all sense and just randomly punches his father as hard he can, Rocky father deflects the blows as if Rocky is some sort of gnat.
”Help me Help me, Rocky! “, his mom screams one more time as his dad throws her down the stairs. The sound of thud and thump as his mother rolls and tumbles head over heels like a rag doll, hitting her head on a few banisters then as his mom hits the last step she bounces off the banister into the brick fireplace then the floor as his mother’s head begins to bleed profusely. 
Rocky runs down the stairs to check on his mom. He grabs her lifts her head up looking into her blue eyes as the living spark slowly disappears.
 Rocky’s eyes glaze over in a rage, His whole body becomes numb and he can only think one thing as he grabs the hunting rifle off the fireplace mantle and loads it pointing it finding his father at the top of the steps, His father comes running down the steps. Rocky looks at his father, Rocky stands there all Black and blue covered in his own blood, Blood still dripping from his ear from the kick his father had given him, as well as his blood from his mom's head. 
Rocky says nothing, his breath is very controlled. He carefully loads the rifle and aims it at his dad’s head.
”You weakling little chicken shit you don’t have the balls to pull that trigger at me, you ain’t no man.” Rocky’s father taunts him and taunts him. 
Rocky, “And you never were! You bastard! ” Rocky takes a deep breath as Rocky pulls the trigger and shoots his father in the leg, the Rocky father falls to the ground, Still mocking Rocky, While holding his leg, Eric intentionally trying to provoke Rocky into something Eric is convinced he will not do, ” See you little chicken shit ain’t no son of mine.”
 Rocky looks at his father, Rocky takes a deep inhale, and calmly says without emotion, “Damn right you Xanzoas!” 
 Rocky’s face turns so red, His brown eyes glaze over, “Damn right.” Rocky says again and kicks his father in the head and uses the rifle butt to his head a few times. “How do you like it. You cowardly piece of shit. I do not know who the hell you are. But you sure ain’t no father of anyone... but it does not matter now.” Rocky reloads the shotgun and levels the gun at his father’s head, kicks him one more time in the head then pulls the trigger. BANG. His father falls limp next to his mother, Rocky stares at the scene for a few minutes before being able to breathe. Rocky starts hyperventilating and falls back words against the wall. He looks at the scene for a few more seconds then drops the rifle to the floor slowly back up out the door, and begins running towards the car. He observes that the one wheels bent into an ‘L’ shape so Rocky starts running off in any direction as long as it is not here.
Rocky looks around for a few minutes, He looks back at his house, then the barn. Not knowing what to do Rocky just starts running away. He keeps running across the road. Across the empty cornfield, kicking old rotting corn cobs almost twisting his ankle in the dirt. A grazing deer runs away as he sees Rocky running in that direction. Rocky comes to the tree line jumps across a small stream and finds his way into the woods. Not slowing down Rocky slaps the branches out of his face as he just keeps going and going.

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Rocky is a pretty good distance away, he can hear the dog's way in the distance, so he keeps running through streams then zigzagging trying to leave a confusing scent for the dogs. He does not know if it works or not, but he has seen them do it in the movies.
The next morning police and police dogs are surrounding Rocky’s home with Rocky nowhere to be found, The police are coordinating off all the hooky-loos and trying to keep the crime scene pristine, and as reporters horde on the place like locusts.
 State troopers and the county police are conducting searches in the nearby area doing a circular search working their way out from the crime scene, Occasionally you can hear the bloodhounds bark in the distance echoing off the metal outbuildings. Searching for the missing teenager.
Rocky hears one of the dog teams very close behind him. Rocky calms down so he can think straight, and heads towards a small creek. He quietly walks in up to his knees and follows the creek for a while. He can still hear the dogs in the background they seem to be temporarily confused with all the backtracking Rocky has done. The dogs are too close for Rocky’s comfort, He knows this isn’t like the movies or the books, those dogs will pick up his scent again even if they lose the scent for a few minutes or more. Rocky knows all he can do is buy more time, more time to come up with an escape plan.
”We do not know yet we are investigating when we know we will let you know”, says one of the police officers as he pushes away one of the more aggressive reporters. Everyone can hear the dogs in the distance that are searching aggressively for Rocky. 
Rocky runs for a little more picking up speed but trying not to splash too much, Falls down a few times in the water, and in the fall air, as the wind blows, Rocky feels the cool fall air abruptly feels very chilly on Rocky’s skin as his wet clothes are sticking to his skin. The Dogs are a little farther away, so Rocky stops bends over puts his hands on his knees to catch his breath.
A few miles away, one of the officers lets go of the dogs' leash as soon as it picks up Rocky’s Scent. The officer shouts to his nearby team and radios into central that they have locked onto Rocky’s trail.
The team of officers follows the other dogs, towards Rocky’s Scent. 
Rocky hears the barking inching closer, Rocky picks up the pace and starts running towards the east away from town trying to take the straightest way out now, as he dodges a few trees and bats branches out of his way as he's running, occasionally stumbling and falling on the ground. Through a burdock patch. Having the sticky seeds cling to his clothes.
Rocky keeps running ignoring all the thorns and branches as he runs as fast as he can pass them.
Rachel walks up to the crowd with her friends to find out what’s going on. Someone in the crowd whispers everyone was dead their been murdering her. Rachel’s face turns pale ghost white. And faints in her friend’s arms.
Meanwhile, 8 to 9 miles away Rocky comes across the railroad tracks and walks along the side of them as it turns into the afternoon. Rocky walks for about an hour when a slow-moving freight train goes by Rocky, so Rocky looks for a way on, He paces his self he sees a couple of open cars towards the middle of the train, He braces himself to try to jump on one of them. He stands perfectly still inching a little closer to the train, as the wind from the train hits across his face. Rocky manages to grab one of the ladders and climbs on top of the train, carefully walking to the middle and letting himself down to swing into the open freight car.
 across the state to an unknown destination, he does not know what to do where to go and he’s beginning to run out of money and food.
Rocky looks out at the passing scenery as his eyes start blinking, having trouble keeping them open then leans back towards the front of the car. As he watches the sunset behind the distant forests and farmlands. His peace and quiet are only interrupted by the train horn and bell as it comes the train crosses roads. Rocky folds his arms lean back in the car and soon drifts to sleep.
The train starts to slow down as it comes closer to the city, the tracks are a little rougher here as the train slowly travels through the worst parts of the City, Rocky observes building under demolition, some building abandons and left alone as they collapse and fall apart on their own and other building that looks recently boarded up. Rocky looks out once more and decides this is the place to get out.
Rocky tries to look for a new home in one of the abandoned buildings or houses. Trying to look for one that would provide some minimal protection from the winter that will be closing in soon, to protect him from the wind and the snow. 
Rocky comes across an old six-story building, not as decrepit as the other buildings simply haven’t had a living soul in a while, the building has been recently abandoned, perhaps in the last two or three years. Rocky investigates the building, finding some things people have left behind, as he goes room by room trying to find a room that he would feel comfortable in, People had left the building in a hurry, things seem to be set as if everyone went out to a BBQ and never came back. Rocky finds a fairly large apartment on the fourth floor with three bedrooms and a large living room, kitchen, and bedroom, though there are 4 other identical apartments on this floor. This apartment has the least damage from the elements. Rocky sets up his space. Rocky looks around the building one more time to see if there is any other evidence of other residents. When he is sure things are clear. Rocky needs some basic necessities like money and food.
Rocky leaves his new home that evening into the streets of the forgotten parts of the city, All Rocky has to do is walk two blocks and across an overgrown grass field, he finds himself in a middle-class neighborhood and starts looking for ways to make money. Unfortunately in Rocky’s state, not think about anything merely the need to hold out for the first few days, He needs food and clothes. the first thing he does is steal from a church that leaves itself open 24 hours a day. There is a donation box at the front of the church, Rocky looks around for patrons. When Rocky senses that he is alone, He breaks the lock on the donation box and manages to collect about 34 dollars and some change. Rocky then turns his interests to bigger targets. He walks around the neighborhood, seeing which ones may be easiest to break into and making sure no one is home or nearby. Rocky carefully chooses his marks and then breaks into a few houses, and he takes what he thinks he can pawn. Grabbing a few pillowcases and stuffing them full, after a few hours he thinks he has enough to keep him going. Then he returns to finds the abandoned building to sleep the first night in the city. 
Rocky throws down his pillowcases full of stolen items in the bedroom he sorts through them sitting on the floor, he grabs an old antique handgun with a little bit of rust on the barrel. Rocky walks over to the bed falls back on the bed closes his eyes and collapses from exhaustion and hunger. Among his stolen treasures scattered on the floor.

by Winky; ; Report