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Category: Life

I was thinking

I was thinking about my generation (Gen Z) and how we are so weird, but of course we are, we were born with the internet in our hands.

I recently saw a news report, that they managed to give wi-fi to a remote village, The original idea was that with the internet, they could idk call the ambulance faster and look for ways to improve their village, they would have the teachings of the internet to guide them.
Instead, they created people addicted to pornography and gore videos.

I think they accidentally made an example of how we ended up, without supervision, without someone to teach us what the internet is, they created people who can't stop looking at their cell phone even if it hurts their head and eyes, people who can't have a conversation without checking social networks, which are full of news that only make you more depressed, but you can't stop looking at them.

What do you think, Are we doomed like that village?

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Ayry's profile picture

We are soo doomed, in fact I cant bring myself to leave my phone sometimes even if I literally have nothing to do in it. Luckily, I can say I'm not addicted, but despite this, I realize how damaging it is to my life and the consequences, which makes me aware of what will happen to the many little children I see already with cell phones. I can blame the parents.

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the good thing is that you were able to detect it, many people are not that lucky qwq

by Midnight☆Bell; ; Report


Blue's profile picture

I think whats even worse is the unrealistic expectations the internet creates that people then put out to the real word. Which then shifts public perception on things negatively. Everyone's always something (bad person for doing this, I know crappy example) I'm just over it all

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comparing yourself so much with others leaves you with a horrible depression about yourself, the worst thing is that it is difficult to detect that you are doing that qwq

by Midnight☆Bell; ; Report


Minoah's profile picture

Doomed to be forever infinitely more knowledgeable than yesterday, and forever infinitely more connected than the day before.
That is all the internet "Dooms" us to.

Everything in moderation. To fail to moderate one's own use of the internet is to willingly detach from reality. The generation before you grew up with a version of the internet that you have today. I can't tell you whether or not their use was moderated, or how closely so, but I can say that you rarely see that generation absorbed in their screens. At least, not as much.

I believe that the internet can be a tool. You can talk to people you would never even know existed without it, people with insight on certain subjects, with stories to tell and knowledge to share, you can acquire just about any piece of information you so desire. Of course, too much of anything has never been healthy for anybody.

So, perhaps it's the environment the generation grew up in? As opposed to the cause being solely lack of moderation? Being exposed to beliefs they wouldn't have otherwise, and when reality rejects their beliefs, they return to a world where they are commonly accepted? Maybe they're obsessed with the screen because someone on the other side is comforting them, or teling them everything will be alright?

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Ah. I was still writing, but my grip on my mouse slipped and I pressed the "Add Comment" button instead of clicking on the text to edit it.

Oh well. This communicates my thoughts substantially enough.

by Minoah; ; Report

Hmm I think I understand what you are saying, the internet itself is addictive in some people because it is warm isn't it¿?

by Midnight☆Bell; ; Report

Essentially, yes. One can place themselves in an echo chamber where they only hear things they want to hear. The validation may pull and distance them from their reality, and dissuade them from interacting with it.

Or, put simply, If what one wants to see is on their screen and not in front of them, then they will not peel their eyes from their screen.

by Minoah; ; Report

But this also means that there is no view of everything that happens, as everyone sees only what they want to see, other opinions, other options, etc.

by Midnight☆Bell; ; Report

Correct. I believe this may be the future on the current path. People will only look at things they want to see, will only talk to people that they agree with. You don't have to look too terribly hard to see it already happening. It's been happening, and it will get worse.

At least, that's what I believe.

by Minoah; ; Report

it will get worse if we don't detect it in time, but from the way things are going it seems that it won't get better so soon XD

by Midnight☆Bell; ; Report


Midnight☆Bell's profile picture


Here's the news that i saw

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