I'm not sure what to do with my life and I need some advice

So I'm on my last year of school and going to graduate at the end of this year, I thought I knew what to do with my life, but now everything's confusing, and I don't know much about my future.

I live in Bahia (Brasil) and since I finished middle school I kind of knew that I would study History on college, specifically at a university in Campinas (another state in Brasil, kind of far away) and since last year I've been working on that, but some stuff's happening that is making me question that. Last month my mom told me she wanted to go spend a year in Europe (and maybe even live there) and that I could go too if I wanted, the thing is, I'm not sure if I want to study history in Europe for a lot of reasons, like the fact that I wanted to study specifically the story of my home country (Brasil), and the fear I have of being far from the people I love and my pets. But the good part is I always wanted to leave this country even if it's just for a little bit, and, even being almost an adult now, I still feel like I wouldn't be able to live far from my mom.

So there's this thing, idk if I should stay in Brasil or go to Europe, but there's more. What if history doesn't satisfy me? I mean, I LOVE studying history and I'd love working with it, but my dream, even when I was a kid, is to be a biologist, so I could work with nature and with animals. I'd love to do biology or marine biology for college, the problem is that it'll be hard since I'm not good with chemistry and physics, which is much needed to pass in biology. HELP, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!! 

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