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Category: Writing and Poetry

I'm the boy. The boy born inside. (Poetry)

I am the boy. The boy born inside.

I have no hobbies. I have no friends.

I have no reason to go on.

And yet I keep working.

Because I am the boy born inside.

Boys like me are not allowed to speak.

In the town I live, we are silent.

We are considered weak,

In the town that I live in.

Boys like me are not defined by color.

Nor shape, nor size, or their mother.

Boys like me are a disgrace, nontheless.

And yet we are silent.

Silent in our distress.

Because no one one understands the boys born inside.

Infact, they don't look at us.

They see something else entirely.

I'm tired, see?

But they don't

They refuse to see.

I don't have a name or a face to them.

I can't use a voice.

That is why I was born inside.

Because I can't escape what has trapped me.

Only the other boys sense my presense. We treat each other fairly.

Because we are the boys who were born inside. We are like a family.

A family who says 'No one knows me'

And if anyone asks who are we?

This poem explained it, though it cannot be decoded easily.


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