love part 2

i really hope stuff with this guy goes good.. my past 3 relationships have been irl minus 1 online and the online one was like??? really bad. and im trying to do an online relationship AGAIN and i really like this guy but idk im worried ab stuff. like he sent me a ss and someone hes friends with had hearts in their name??? and i think it was smth he like... put in :(. and the same guy with hearts he talked to me ab being "its easier to date u cause hes in russia" so like am i just a 2nd choice???? idek. i lowkey hope he sees this cause im too scared to actually tell him yk like personally.. but he doesnt even have spacehey yet T_T. anywho finn if you see this yes this is ab you and whatever russian boy ur in love with IM SORRY IM NOT GOOD ENOUGH i will literally do whatecer u want just pleaseee tell me im not 2nd choice and u actually do love me :(( ill prob text u rn since ur asleep BUT IM SCARED I LOVE U KAYYY 

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