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Healing is made out to be this ethereal moment of revelation and peace. in reality though it's harder to go through than the situation you are trying to heal from. You now have to face the dirty laundry you shoved into little cracks in your drawers and closet; truth is you pilled so much in there   the doors fit to burst. understandingly so, trying to face all that while it was happening was near impossible; there was no clean water to wash all the clothes and they would have rotted all the same. 

But you have clean water now, so it's time to tackle the seemingly endless pile.

You'll open the wardrobe first. The heap of stinking clothes will fall out all at once causing a moment of panic, however there's no shame in grabbing an arms full and shoving the rest back in there; after all your washing machine can only take so much at a time.

First maybe some small tops, and you'll feel lighter. Perhaps you're feeling confident enough to tackle the jeans next; bulky jackets can wait, those will require hand scrubbing and a trip to the dry cleaners. You don't need to manage all of it yourself.


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