tempted to be a rebel

I'm so tempted to make an impulse decision to just unsubscribe from my music subscription so I don't have to pay $10 a month and just pirate it all into MP3s and get an Ipod. I'm tempted to buy old versions or pirate Adobe software so I can save $50 a month and actually own the software instead of being tied to a subscription.Β 

The world is becoming a money-hungry AI scam and I don't like it. Not at all.

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Frost-Bite's profile picture

don't pay for anything you don't have to !! (well. not literally. buying from creators is good.)

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Black Market Stray Cat

Black Market Stray Cat's profile picture

i've been doing the same for a few years now, since google play music died (i think i was in high school then? maybe i was a bit younger). though, not for any real moral purpose or anything, i actually feel kind of bad pirating music, it's just that physical releases for music are basically not a thing anymore (especially if you like game/anime music like i do, imports are expensive Ξ£(っ Β°Π” Β°;)っ). i just dislike subscription services on principle.

i miss google play. i miss tower records more.

i also need to get an ipod, but, money.

also, pirate "By Click Downloader", it makes downloading entire playlists very easy.

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THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You're a lifesaver for that suggestion

by π»π’œπΌπΏπΈπ’΄ 𝒒𝐿π’ͺπ’ͺ𝑀𝐼𝐸; ; Report


BestDeathBed's profile picture

absolutely go for it. music piracy and downloading has become easier nowadays and if you want to support independent artists you can still buy and download their stuff from bandcamp and just download the rich person’s music from places like soulseek who provide high quality wav and flac files of music.
as for ipods i would highly reccomend you get a 5th generation ipod they’re incredibly easy to use and just as easy to mod to have more space to fit more music (trust me you’re gonna need the extra space.)

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xxRebellious_Emmaxx's profile picture

Do it. Fuck subscription based services. Subscription services are a scam and you don't even get to own what you are paying your hard earned money for under a subscription based model. Also fuck the companies who stopped offering lifetime license options for their products. >:(

I am also forever thankful that YouTube to MP3 websites exist, as I have nearly 200 songs downloaded from those websites onto my laptop, my MP3 player (a SanDisk Clip Jam), and onto a few blank CDs. I also love how easy transferring/burning files via Windows Media Player 12 is. :)

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Statiscit πŸ‰

Statiscit πŸ‰'s profile picture

The way the world works rn is enough to turn everyone into a rebel. I personally don’t see much wrong in it, streaming sucks despite the fact I still use it (I dont pay for Premium or anything tho since I don’t have my own money for that yet). Also iPods and stuff are back in fashion so I don’t see why not. It’s gonna be a long process to download everything but bit by bit you know

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Lol I think it’ll be worth it in the end tho

by Statiscit πŸ‰; ; Report

1st Generation

1st Generation's profile picture

bro fucking do it. every day just spend an hour going down your playlist and download each song from like a youtube to mp4 converter and keep that shit, its yours now. then you can download albums and just delete the songs you didnt like/didnt care for and add the ones you liked into your new playlist

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