I took a break.

Saturday, i helped my step-sister move back to Vancouver because her boyfriend lived there and she lived in a apartment in Hermiston which is almost four hours away, She did live in Vancouver before with her ex boyfriend who died from a drug overdose in a townhouse and before in a another apartment with another boyfriend. She had 2 kids while living in Vancouver in 2015 and 2022 on the same date. We put everything in 2 ford trucks and a 15 foot uhaul. The uhaul was soooooo difficult. 

We went to one uhaul location where my sister reserved one and they said we had to go down the street to go to another uhaul location. So we drove there. When we got there, there was no one. We waited for a hour. Me and my dad went to a convenience store next to the uhaul and i got some candy and a minute maid blue raspberry drink i like. When i'm on a road trip and i get something from the gas station or convenience store, i like to get some candy. bottle caps are currently my favorite candy. so i got that. A hour later, someone came and unlocked the door. My sister got the one uhaul in the parking lot. We took that back to her apartment and packed everything in it. It took forever. Anything that wouldn't fit in the uhaul or she didn't want to put in the uhaul it went in one of the two ford trucks. 

We stopped at a brewery for dinner before we went on the road. I got a virgin strawberry pinapple daiquiri and fish tacos with fries. Everyone else got tater tots. I picked the taco filling out of the tortilla and ate that. I put fry sauce and ketchup all over my food. I almost choked on it twice. It got stuck in my throat. I got buzzed with my dad on the way to my sister's boyfriend's house. My sister is living there right now. My sister's boyfriend's house big and nice. He has two hammocks in his backyard. 

I was losing it a little bit because i can only go a certain amount of time without listening to Joan Jett. When we were driving i put my main playlist on Apple Music on shuffle. I can't believe no Joan Jett song was playing when i pressed the shuffle button. But i listened to Cherry Bomb like 3 or 4 times. (By the way it was The Runaways version not the Joan Jett and The Blackhearts version that was on Glorious Results From A Misspent Youth which was released in 1984 a year after Cyndi Lauper's She's So Unusual and Joan Jett and The Blackhearts' Album.) 

Eventually the song Riding With James Dean from the Up Your Alley album played. I was so impressed. When we got to my sister's house, we unloaded the two trucks. Yesterday we unloaded the uhaul. I was orignally not going to go but of course i decide to change my mind last minute and go. My dad was hurring me to get ready. I hate being hurried. It puts me in a bad mood. I had a attitude. Dad was going to turn around and take me back home but i said i would freaking calm down and help. I did help. My sister was getting rid of her bed because her boyfriend had a bed. So we took her bed and put it in the guest room which doesn't have a bed because my aunt took the twin bed that was in the guest room which was her room before. That was so nice of my sister! 

My niece and nephew which are her kids weren't there because they would be in the way. They were at my sister's mom house. I did a really good job moving everything into the house. The boxes were so heavy. Some of her things ended up in the garage to get rid of. I want to visit my sister more often now because i love her and i missed her! I wanted to relax when i was done. My back and legs hurt so bad. Well, that's why i wasn't online this weekend. Have a good day or night depending on the time when you are reading this.


Princess Samantha

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