we love spaceheyyyyyy

my friend came over today and we celebrated his birthday which was like twoooo weeks ago. I totally walked all the way to the store alone for the cake+monster and my vans hurt my feet.

we took bitchin pics for spacehey and watched music videos on tv. I hope all my friends know i wud cut off my limbs for them they r the illest. Also i was thinking maybe i need a cool scene queen name???? but nothing sounds good with nae. 

shoutout to my friend his user is pl4n3t4ry_g0 

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☆ ASM0 ☆

☆ ASM0 ☆'s profile picture

THAS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111!!

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Nyeinsu's profile picture

this is what spacehey was created for. you guys rock!!

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THANKZZ so muchh!

by hollywooddonediedxX; ; Report


⭐️VickyAlienBoy⭐️'s profile picture

You guys both look so cute!!!!

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by hollywooddonediedxX; ; Report