. ݁₊ ⊹ Protection/Cleansing Spell ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁

Here’s a little protection spell that me and a local witch a came up with :)



Black Candle 


Ground Sage

Any other herbs you like to use for protection



- Cleanse a bowl and fill it with salt.

- Coat your black candle in cinnamon and carve a protection sigil into the wax (Use one or make   your own).

-Place the candle in the salt and surround it with the cinnamon, sage, and your herbs of choice (Be mindful of fire hazards)

-Ground yourself and say aloud…

“In the name of all the blessed spirits who preside over me. In the name of Holy Mother Earth. In the name of the Guardian’s of the Watchtowers I light this candle. May this flame cleanse myself of all the negative energy which surrounds me. I am a beacon of Joy, Happiness, and Light. I am a magnet for blessings and fortune.”

-Light the candle and thanks the spirits, closing however you prefer.

-Let the candle burn until extinguished.

-Once the flame has died, take the herbs and place them in your jacket pocket. (Preferably your left breast)

-Disguard of the wax by place it it in your left hand, kissing it, and placing it somewhere outside in the grass.

-The salt can be repurposed however you’d like.

(Reminder that Witchcraft is subjective, please feel free to add or change the spell however you wish. Use what you have and do what works for you. It’s the intention that matters :) 

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