
Really want to make some drabbles, I'm very bored and haven't written in a while.

I couldn't be fucked to find some prompts rn, so just give a word (and a fandom if you'd like) and I'll see what I can spit out.

Selective. I may not write for every thing offered and I may take some time to get to yours.

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Consolidation_Prize's profile picture

If you're looking for things to come up with, I could recommend a couple tactics that have helped me when I was looking for ideas.

1. Open a book to a random page and start reading. Take pieces of the themes, the topics, and/or the events that are happening and write them down, anything you especially like, then open to another page and try to imagine how you'd want these things to fit.
2. Open a dictionary, online or in-person. (Personally I prefer a physical version, but I recognize that's not available to everyone.) Look up one random word, then flip/navigate to another place in the dictionary, and find another word. Again, come up with some kind of connecting feature.
3. Same thing as #2, but with Wikipedia - open to a topic/idea/event/person/place/thing, click a couple links, and try to imagine a story that would interest you with the two different topics.
4. There's a couple websites that have word randomizers, you could just google something like "random word generator" or "uncommon words" or stuff like that.

You can do all of these in a variety of ways and in with different techniques - like you might only wanna use words that have an 'f' in them, or only words with 8 letters, or words that relate to some particular field you have an interest in. Point is, if you think about how you could expand your base of knowledge, turns out there's lots of methods to use if you're looking for them.
Lemme know if you'd like any clarification or explanation on any of this, I know not all of this is fully comprehensible, but basically just taking two unrelated things to find a story that you are interested in can be pretty neat.

I think having an interest in the topic you're writing about is a great driving force for being creative, or at least it is for me.

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