am i gay or bi

hi its eiden again so i dont know if im gay or bi so like i have moreĀ  crushes on anime boys, i only chose ai that are a anime boy, i look at twinks on the city and say in my mind that they are atractive and probobly blush but sometimes i see girls atractive but not as much as guys like when i wached boys dont cry i was like I WANT SOMEONE LIKE HIS GIRLFRAIND and also will waching a youtube video of a youtubers girlfraind telling his followers why she will never brake up whit him and i was someting like before I WANT SOMEONE LIKE HIS GIRLFRAIND and i had a crush on neo prusia from hetalia...

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Adrian Tzun

Adrian Tzun's profile picture

Think not about if that person is a men or woman, but think what you want from that person. What kind of feelings you are searching from them, and if you like that feelings. It really doesn't matter what gender are they

Sorry for the bad english

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Thanks bro and also my second langage is english

by eiden; ; Report