Every Day is an Opportunity to Meditate - Light and Sound on The Path


Every Day is an Opportunity to Meditate and Study the Teachings of the Masters

"If we listen to Satsang every day, and we do Bhajan Simran every day, then we will definitely get success on this Path, and we will be fit for getting the Grace of our Masters." (Baba Ram Singh Ji)

The Third Eye in Meditation: “Close your eyes as in sleep, and look sweetly, lovingly, intently into the middle of the darkness lying in front of you. You will see a dark veil. That which sees the dark veil within, without the help of your physical eyes, IS the inner eye.” (Kirpal Singh)

"The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love." -- Meister Eckhart

"Saints come into this world and They enlighten us. They remind us of our True Home of God Almighty -- our True Father. They encourage us to go back. And They motivate us to go back. So, we are indeed fortunate to get this human body and get this life. And it is with the Grace of God Almighty that we have the company of the Masters. Now, we should make the most of that and follow the Teachings of the Masters and make the efforts to go back to our True Home." (Baba Ram Singh)

"Morning time is ideal for meditation. But anytime is good if we are sitting for meditation." (Baba Ram Singh)

"We cannot do or listen to Satsang once in a fortnight or once a month because our love and affection in the world outside is drawing us all the time. And if we want to get that love and affection towards our Master and towards God Almighty, then we have to bring it into our everyday life."  (Baba Ram Singh)

"That is why we should do our Bhajan Simran every day and we should listen to Satsang every day and fulfill the purpose of the life that has been given to us."  (Baba Ram Singh)

"Recognize the Path to your Beloved, O travelers and take the route of the anguished lover in separation. Keep the Master’s grace in your thoughts, and reflect upon his pure teachings. Develop love and devotion with endearment, and keep the thought of the Creator always before you. Try to merge yourself into God like water and water. Fix your mind within by following the Path of the Sound Current. A yearning will arise; make then an intense and anguished call. Repeat the Name of your Beloved, day and night, again and again and again. With care in thought, word and deed, you will cross to the other shore." (Sant Dadu Dayal)

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