Post-Apocalyptic Bioluminescence T-60 Power-armour with a big-ass sword

drawing i made

here's the drawing i made today, still trying to learn the ins-and-outs of digital drawing/painting or whatever you wanna call it. Comments would be much appreciated and accepted with open arms.


love y'all! 

Nuka <3

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Tried doing something wacky, doing weird shapes and such; turned out quite well, just took a few hours and a lot of pain in my hands lmao :3

by Nuka; ; Report

Thanks so much! <3
It really does mean a lot, more than you could probably fathom!
Love you dearly,

by Nuka; ; Report

omg it must of ;/ but your art is so sick! you have such a unique style and i love the way you used colours in this!!

by Noah; ; Report

No. 1 appreciator here holy shid :p

Yeah i'm trying to develop some unique styles with some abstract colouring with the whole cubism inspo :o

Always nice to take elements of different styles of art and use it in a new way! kinda like taking different words from different languages and making your own style of speech (if that makes any sense)

But thanks a lot for the endearing words, it shall keep me going forwards until the next artwork and the one after that!

by Nuka; ; Report