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Category: Life

Pennis wise

So it's canon that Pennywise is homophobic -which some people were? Surprised by? Like oh wow the murderous child eating clown doesn't like gay people? WOWZA.

But I think the Joker, despite being a horrible person, is an ally, purely because of how clearly I can imagine him saying; it's ok...*lip smack* to be gayyy.

(This is either really funny -quite plausible, considering I'm hilarious- or I'm very tired. Maybe both)

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Toga's profile picture

In the harley quinn show (which i am NOT recommending to you because its incredibly graphic) the joker is canonically an ally but also sexist

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Sounds about right lol. "it's okay *lip smack*...to be gay. But women's rights *sigh* are not okay"

by Darlene; ; Report