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LoL character analysis

  hello to anyone reading this, this is my first time i ramble about characters i like on here i hope to use these blogs as an outlet. this character analysis will be focused on diana from LoL and how her lore could be an allegory for homophobia (esp in religion) !! i think this is very fitting to do during pride since she was the first queer champion (?) ^_^

ill include a brief summary (900 words. ok) of dianas story and then get into my analysis:  diana was found by a group of solaris* they took her in and raised her as a member. she was a curious and wanted to learn more about her religion and traditions but while looking through text books she noticed that whole chapters were ripped out mentioning the moon. she questioned the faith which made her teachers scold her for doubting the sun and caused her classmates to shun her out. when she was 13 under the wing of a priest who saw how diana fought against the beliefs the priestess urged her to still respect the solaris. 

the next year diana questioned her teacher on why they call the night "the darkness" and said it was more than just being dark but the night was instead lit by a soft gentle light in the form of the moon. this enraged her teacher as her speaking privileges would be taken. the priestess heard about this and told diana to restrain herself from questioning the solaris. the most faithful and determined solari student leona (shes important remember her) exchanged notes with diana to practice their class. diana didnt want to ruin her reputation so they would exchange notes back and forth. one day they went over notes for a presentation leona was working on, the two of them got into an argument about how anything outside of the sun is evil. leona didnt question it and accepted it as the truth while diana argued they should dig deeper into the subject. during the presentation diana spoke up despite her speaking privileges being taken away, her teacher demanded her to be quiet and instead she argued that not everything belonged to the sun. she was sentenced to 3 days standing in the sun until sunset with no shade or water to show the sun shows no mercy. 

on the third day she questions if the sun even loves her as a follower. despite the punishment she didnt regret speaking up because she got to talk to leona in public. a festival was coming up and diana considered going with leona but doubted it due to her social status. leona asked diana if she wanted to go but diana said she wouldnt be going. leona questioned why and diana accused her of just trying to preach to her and not seeing her as a true friend. they got into a loud argument and were split up by their teacher with the consequence being they had to scrub the floors of the temple. as the days passed diana realized leona wasnt preaching to her but genuinely wanted diana to attend the festival as "her date" she got mad at herself for being so foolish. the day of the festival she snuck out of the temple and climbed up the temple until she found a good resting place and sat watching as the sun began to set. once the moon hung in the sky she relished in the light of the moon even thought it was against the solari faith, even offering a silent prayer to the moon. leona found her and apologized for getting them in trouble but diana insisted that she was the one who should be apologizing. while staring at each other they realized it was the first time they had talked with no one else around. as they sat together in silence diana rested her head on leonas shoulder as hours passed by as they basked in each others company and enjoying the view. diana knew how much this festival meant to leona so she offered to go back to the temple expecting the answer to be no, leona just said "not yet" grabbed her hand, and leaned in "for a loving kiss" before leaving to the festival. afterwards the two remained close friends and lovers despite their differences regarding the faith they still loved each other. 

years later diana still questions the solari faith trying to search for answers until one night she finds a hidden alcove inside a mountain, depicting images of solari warriors in golden armor with sun imagery along with silver clad warriors with moon imagery. this shows diana that were people who also worshiped the moon like the solaris. diana excitedly told leona but she shut it down quickly telling her of the punishments that await her if she continued to dig into it. diana still wanted answers so she scaled a mountain hoping that the information she desires is at the top of the mountain.  when she finally gets up there a powerful beacon of moonlight slammed into her body. an aspect had chosen to use diana as their host, and through visions learned about the lunari** faith. 

leona also ascended along with diana and while diana was overjoyed to share this moment with her love leona was upset telling diana they need to go back to the solari temple. diana begged her not to go back and for them to make a new future together.

diana later on finds other solaris and meets leona again years later and once they see one another they agree to put down their weapons. over the years they cross paths and leona urges diana to leave her connection to the moon but she ignores it instead learning more through the aspects visions. 

*the solaris are a religious group that worship the sun
**the lunaris are also a religious group but as u can guess they worship the moon

if you read all that. you deserve a cookie T T  i just couldnt cut anything out its important to understanding diana and her relationship with the solaris and leona. 

since the solari found diana shes always been an outcast, being punished and shut down for wanting to learn more. you could compare this to when people find out about homophobia and wanting to learn why people are homophobic or homosexual in the first place? being in a religious temple most religions do not think of queer people fondly so the thought of even considering it is seen as a sin and you must be punished. even when she finally meets leona and they become girlfriends leona seems so hesitant to question the solari getting upset whenever diana finds more clues out about the lunari. its a very typical gay trope of having a partner who isnt confident in their sexuality embarrassed that theyre queer and shut down any mention of it. leona probably thinks diana is committing sin and since she cares about her she doesnt want her to face those punishments. the ascension kind of reminds me of "but im a cheerleader" the main character trying to deny her feelings for her friend she wants to run away in this case to the temples and face the punishments of sin. the solari and lunari could be seen as a heterosexual world versus a queer world which may be why theyre fighting, the solari think theyre better and leona tells diana to stop seeking out the moon, but diana cannot change the fact she is a lunari (queer) and she was chosen as an aspect of the moon. the lunaris (queer people) in this analogy are hunted and pushed so far away they are thought to be dead. 

i hope this kind of made sense and if u read it TRULY THANK YOU!!!!! i love the lunari lore so much theyre so interesting, having the sun and moon as religion is such a cool concept to me. i myself am not religious so i understand dianas urge to question everything, i went to a christian preschool but never really cared for it but when i started to learn about religions in school it was quite eye opening as someone who loves to learn what other people believe. my source for the lore was the league of legends wiki and the quotes were straight from the page (mostly taking the gay moments LOL) i tried to cut out unimportant things but if diana fascinates you check out her lore!!

have a great day (´꒳`)♡

- muni ☾☼


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