Oooh looky here as I distract you with pics of my hampter

Guys, w/ all the bullsht happening on this website, it's time to take a break. Look at these pics of Mochi, my hampter. LOOK AT HIM. Now you may not be able to hear him, but he's saying, "You, yeah you, the one who's looking at this post, you deserve to be happy, and no matter what happens, you'll get through it, it will all work out fine! :D And for all of you who love this site just as much as Zombie Mousey, I'm sure we'll get through all the things happening here. Also, as a huge note to all users: just bc people are posting terrible things on this platform, does NOT mean that you can send terrible things to them!! In Layman's terms, the world is fuqed up, so sending bullsht to others is just gonna fuq it up even more. Plz be nice! Like it's ridiculous that we even have to remind people to do that now, but in all seriousness be nice to others and be the bigger person: if they are spamming ogre (flip o and g), do not send ogre or threats to them. They are probably struggling w/ stuff themselves, plus this site is meant to be a platform for connecting people, not keeping em apart!" Ok bye and tysm to those who were willing to read my literal essay lolol XD

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