Ghost Guns, 3D printed guns

Generally I hate the ATF, but now I am absolutely in love. Ghost gun kits are these little boxes of gun parts you put together. Ghost gun kits are basically a lego set that kills and I fucking love it. But 3D printed guns?? Oh yes. Where do I even start? The concept? Genius, revolutionary. The efficiency? Brilliant. I mean just go online, it's really as simple as having a 3D printer, ordering a USB, and sticking that USB into the computer. Start it up and in a few days with a little assembly work and a couple parts ordered, you have a 90% plastic gun, with only the barrel and firing pin being metal. It's just so wonderful, guns that you can manufacture and customize for less than $20 each, with extreme ease and the best part is, they are completely unregistered. But maybe even better, I myself can make these. In my bedroom. At the age of 15. After school every day. 


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