Today I cant do much

I cant eat

I cant drink

I cant think

I cant live the life i was meant to live

Let me go!

Let me go!

Is the same song I'll sing

To make it less painful

To be a human being

And what will I get?

The fears, the tears, the sweat

Sometimes I crawl

In the deep shamefull pit of myself 

Watching as others are sweet in the sunlight

And I'm alone, dying in this pit of shame

Silence in the pit

Silent pain in my heart 

Let me go!

2 Kudos


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Alecu/Al⚝'s profile picture

this is a really nice poem! the lines where there are no rhymes really makes it feel more dense, something like the feeling of pain; yet the language is simple and straightforward, making it easy to feel through. good job, keep it up!

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Thank you I appreciate it! I'm still kinda new 2 poetry but I'm getting there ^_^

by xXR0cK1nRaV3nXx; ; Report