Starting a youtube soon, need advice on how though.

I've decided I'm definetly going to try out the whole youtube thing mainly because I just need more creative outlets and places for my thoughts but also I hope it will bring in some profit eventually cause I am struggling a bit financially. 

I also have the problem where its hard to start it because I try to excessively plan everything I do as a form of stalling, so advice on that would be nice. I know I should just start and do the planning stuff after but its really hard to make myself do that. 

(sorry for any grammar or coherence issues its 3am)

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Statiscit 🍉

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I started posting on YouTube back in 2021 and since then I’ve gotten maybe around like 121 (as of currently) which probably isn’t much but seeing as how I don’t post too often I’d say it’s progress.

In your early stages you’re maybe going to be in an experimental stage of figuring out what you wanna post exactly. It could be vlogs, video essays, gameplay, ASMR, etc but I suggest doing the one you’d love to do and not something you’re doing by force just because you think it’d get views.

Treat it as a hobby and when you think you’re ready to take things seriously then you can try researching on how the algorithm works and all that. Ofc sometimes some people just get views by luck and if that happens you need to learn how to sort of utilise that moment to make people watch your other videos and not just the singular one that got popular.

These are my two cents I guess

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I agree, especially with treating things as a hobby. I think I just feel anxious to start and don't know how to just talk when I'm recording if that makes sense, I'm working on topics and stuff if I go blank but that doesn't seem like what I need.

by GarfieldEnthusiast; ; Report

Yeah talking to a camera definitely needs time to get used to but once you do it’ll all be smooth sailing from there

by Statiscit 🍉; ; Report