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randonautica, florida boys, and 2021

bf and i tried to go randonauting today, it was very anticlimactic T_T we had to cut through these dense woods and didn't even find anything. he brought his machete so he was able to cut down a lot of the twigs n shit in the way like a disney character but it was still annoying crossing a log over a river for nothing.

we also locked his bike up next to this lady's property (we biked most of the way there and had to lock it up before going into the woods). she ended up yelling at us and recording lolzies. i just smiled and waved for her video :3

(mind u we were very much not on her property, just next to it lolz)

what was pretty fun to me though was how In His Element my boyfriend was. he grew up in florida until he was 15 (he's 17 now so it's pretty recent that he moved here) and spent a lot of time in the woods with his friends. i grew up similarly, having lived in a small town that's 90% trees my whole life, but his experience with it is distinctly different considering he left it all. he's told me a lot how much he misses his friends there and how free he was, and it was nice to hear him tell me how happy being in some fuckass woods again made him :) i have no choice but to go into the woods w him all the time now.

moving on from today's Excursion, it's pretty funny to see randonautica coming back after being huge and falling off within the same two-month timeframe back in 2021. while i do think most of the tiktoks about it (both then and now) are total bullshit, i did have my own experience with it.

it was my best friend at the time named cas who went with me. remember that this was during randonautica's peak in 2021 while we were 12 and dumb and fully believed most paranormal shit on the internet, so we were kinda unreasonably paranoid (but in that 12-year-old "woah dude did u hear that" way). we didn't really set an intention iirc.

the entire layout of the town at the time was main street, with about three dirt roads off the left lane that i had been down numerous times on saturdays when i was unfortunately reminded that my city was less than ten square miles. randonautica ended up leading us down one of them. 

now mind u, i had been down this road MANY times. it was purely woods until u got to the end, where there was cas' church. not a single building off the side. the most interesting thing i had found in the hundreds of times i had gone down this road was a deer skull.

this time, we walked way longer than we had anticipated, and we swore that we should have made it to the end of the road by then. eventually, we came to this old shed neither of us had ever seen. we were kids who had spent 12 years in this town trying to find something to do, and SOMEHOW we had never seen this shed.

we walked in there, and it was just -- i shit u not -- a dusty, out of tune piano like some fucking cliche horror movie shit. that was the only thing in there. most of the keys didn't even work. there was zero trace of anybody having been here recently. we got freaked out and left (naturally).

fast forward a week or so later. cas is away and i decide to go down there by myself, no randonautica. sure enough, didn't see the shed. it just wasn't there. not even remains of it, the dirt road had just returned to how it had always been. 

pretty funky. unfortunately there was nothing like that this time with my boyfriend. just ended up with dirty shoes and heat sickness >_>

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