VampRobbie's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

updated about me and DNI list.

name: Robbie

nickname: Eli/ Deaky/ Ray/ Robbie.

zodiac sign: pisces

height: between 5'1 and 5'2

shoes you wore today: converse 

your weakness: fainting :0

your fear: hospitals..and like doctors

goal you would like to achieve this year: idfk dating sumone?

best physical feature: maybe my eyes?

who is your bestest friend?: I have like..multiple....

your most cherished memory: sleeping.

pepsi or coke?: neither

mcdonalds or burger king?: again neither blehg

what is the last song you sang?: Early Sunsets Over Monroeville - mcr 

does playing the guitar make a person more attractive?: if its bass..yes

have you ever drank?: yup

have you ever been drunk?: no

have you ever smoked?: yes

do you sing?: if I have 2 make a song or vocal warm ups then yea

do you want to go to college?: no I about died there

have you ever been in love?: yea

do you want to get married?: possibly?

do you believe in yourself?: no

do you believe in others?: sure

do you like thunderstorms?: sumtimes unless there like calm enough 2 like 

do you play an instrument?: bass, piano and electric guitar

what country would you like to visit?: idrc if its not America 

how many CDs do you own?: I think...5 or six..I have more vynils tho

how many tattoos do you have?: two bat tats on my like v-line near my hips :3

how many piercings do you have?: just my ears atm

how many things in the past do you regret?: not talking enough or like. Past medical things.


shoes: converse

drink: Canada dry..

car: I can't drive.

place: idk

song: Early Sunsets Over Monroeville - my chemical romance

movie: prob Sister Act(the first one)

moment: when I'm alone

colour: black 

meal: idk it hurts to eat


eye colour: like a light brown ish?

hair colour: almost black but brown

short or long hair: I layered my medium...?

body type: un-even

ethnicity: white....

do you think you are attractive?: ....

cuddles in general?: idk nvr cuddled be4

what time is it?: bedtime

what are you listening to?: ...Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

is it raining?: a bit ago

are you happy?: I wish. 

DNI List


I had a pretty bad addiction 2 it. Idc if that's like out there anymore. I can't handle seeing it or hearing anything about it. If u ever like bring it up multiple times or like even once I'm not talking. I'm either in a state of panic or crying. 

Sh/or jokes about Suicide:

I genuinely hate u if u joke about this. Fuck you.

Sexualizing band members:

I really don't give a flying fuck if you think certain band members r hot AF. Just keep ur dirty thoughts about fucking them 2 urselfs. Its gross and I don't want 2 hear about it.

Random Trauma dumping:

This doesn't count if ur my online friend or irl friend. I'm always there 4 u guys anyways. But if I barely fucking know u, just don't randomly tell me shit that I can't even comprehend or I don't know how 2 respond 2. I alr have a hard time talking or like comforting ppl, so don't get all pissy with me when I can't fucking help you.


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