gardenGnostic [GG]: rest in peace :(

[GG]: lowkey miss a dead wasp..

[GG]: for weeks or months, I dont know. But for a while a wasp has been visiting me and constantly breaking into my house!

[GG]: the thing is, i have a severe wasp phobia (to the point i stayed up for 5 days and neglected my basic needs because of this phobia) but ive been getting better with it.

[GG]: the wasp has not stung me at all, its a rlly nice wasp!! it just hangs around me alot until i put it outside! today, it broke in again and i let it out, then it broke in again and flew straight into my chest, stayed there for a few moments, and flew away. I had mixed emotions during that, both panic and glee!! because it stayed on my chest, without stinging me, this was a sign of friendship :D but also the wasp phobia, i was shaking because i was horrified! but also i was rlly happy because it was my furiend!

[GG]: i still wanted to lead it out though, but i couldnt because of the panic at the time, so i asked my brother to. the wasp kept avoiding the exit and flying towards me instead.

[GG]: my brother suddenly killed it though DX because it wouldnt fly out..

[GG]: and now im realizing i really miss that wasp :'( like REALLY miss that wasp X'(

[GG]: TLDR: my brother killed my wasp friend

[GG]: rest in peace waspy,, X(

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