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Category: Blogging

07// black holes

hey skibidi sigmas

after the death of a massive star, a neutron star or a black hole is created. i already made a blog about neutron stars, so let's talk about black holes!

For a black hole to exist, a neutron star that has more than 3SM has to collapse. All the mass collapses into an object with infinite density but no volume. this is a black hole. 

Black holes warp spacetime so much, that not even light can't escape it. The gravitation of a black hole causes time dilation: If person A was falling into a black hole, and person B would observe them, for person B it would look like person A is falling infinitely long, meanwhile person A feels like they're falling normally. Another thing person B would see is person A going slowly red until they disappear.

A black hole has an event horizon with a singularity inside. An event horizon divides one area from the rest of spacetime. Anything can fall into an event horizon, but nothing can come back. If you wanted to escape, you would have to travel faster than the speed of light (it is impossible)

A singularity is probably somewhere in the middle of the event horizon. In that place, spacetime warps infinitely, and gravitation is infinitely strong. Everything inside the event horizon is going towards it. Naked singularities don't exist, they are always in an event horizon.

A rotating black hole has 2 event horizons. It has an ergosphere, and anything inside it can't stay in one place. Objects in an ergosphere still have a chance to escape the gravitational pull of the black hole, and sometimes are even ejected out due to energy and angular momentum created by the black hole - an ergosphere can carry out work from the rotating black hole.

Hawking radiation is the (theoretical) thermal radiation released by a black hole.

that's about it haha, feel free to correct me!

˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗

2 Kudos


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Kaeru !! <3

Kaeru !! <3's profile picture

black holez r sooo cool, but i actually can't imagine that smth like that rlly exists, if that makes sense haha ><

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thats so real but its also frustrating bc you just don't know whats really happening inside and there's so many theories and aaaa

by Adrian :D; ; Report

yeahh ikr !! ><

by Kaeru !! <3; ; Report