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Category: SpaceHey

Reminder: How to properly handle TOS infringement

It's a story as old as the Internet itself: people out there will always exist who attempt to make a nice thing worse.
Thankfully, we have access to moderation tools (and a fair bit of psychology wisdom) to help keep our favorite places clean.

There are two rules for dealing with such users:
1. Report immediately. Do it when you see it.
2. Disassociate immediately after reporting. Do not engage. Block them if you must. Do not make posts about it. Do not mention it anywhere publicly. These people feed on the negative attention and will continue to do so as long as they are fed the reactions they crave. So don't react. Instead, fill spaces they invade with content better, positive, and non-related to negative users and their antics.

I appreciate you reading all of this. I hope the information helps.
Take care.

10 Kudos


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