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Category: Blogging

Begun studying unreal engine 5

I have a game idea I'm really excited about, but am going to treat as just a fun personal project even though I'm fairly certain the idea is somewhat unique and I will be devastated if someone else comes out with something similar beforehand lmao.

But I've been having fun with just this tutorial, so seems promising as a fun new hobby =^^=

I will do a few of these game dev tutorials to make mini games and get a better feel for it before starting to dev my actual game idea but I'm excited for every step!!

Wish me luck, I'll have fun with this sandbox :3

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iries_011's profile picture

UNREAL?! LEN'EN PROJECT REFERENCE?!?! (i'm so sorry the Len'en brainrot is hitting me so hard uhm I wish you luck :D!!!)

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Haha glad you're having fun with it XD thank you for the encouragement!

by Ocean; ; Report