LeiePotato123's profile picture

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Category: School, College, University


hi internet!!!

today I had my Science and History exam uhm actually something very unexpected happened... VERY VERY unexpected... 

my teacher actually taught me the answer... 

she didn't straight away tell me the answer, but she gave me a tip on how the formula is done... like how to find a volume of an object by using the water displacement method, she just told me to minus this and that 

I don't want to explain everything here it's too long

some people see it as a "blessing" for this since the other teachers and students didn't notice it but I didn't think so I felt guilty... and stupid!! when she tell me that for the first time I was too stunned to speak that she thought I didn't hear it and repeated twice!!!!!! o_0

nevertheless, the Science exam is harder than I thought. I thought I was smart and ready to nail an A for this, but...

about my history, the subject itself is not in my first language! I know so little about the vocab of that language... I tried all my best to write everything I could in every question, trying not to leave anything empty... but the essay question (history with "essay" is quite ridiculous) I had no choice but to leave the (C) part empty since I spent too much time ADHD'ing

goodbye everyone tomorrow I have mathematics

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kazzxi's profile picture

I don't like essay, I don't know how to write a decent one :[

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