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Category: Life

thoughts at 4am

the thought of death is so interesting, in my opinion death inst scary to me. more confusing and maybe a little unsettling. the slight thought that maybe we dont go anywhere after death and its just and empty pit of dark pure nothingness. exactly where we started off. or maybe we get reborn, forgetting all the deep and meaningful memories you had. wiping your mind from everything you've saw, loved, cared for. Friends, Interests, Hobbies, Habits, Personalty. you, the shell your consciousness is in dies, rots. and you go on. are we like hermit crabs? I have no clue and i will continue to have no clue until my time comes, and then my questions will be answered. 

yours, m 

 ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅

2 Kudos


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